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Let's say you are an upcoming expert in your industry. You learned the ropes and took the time to put everything in practice while combating all kind of problems and gathering experience but also a few sets of new skills. You have a lot of knowledge to share and you can actually help people develop.
You've seen others in your niche, people that started to write about your industry and quickly got published by important publications and now they have an authority and influencer status inside that industry.
So, how do you reach guru/influencer status?
First of all, why would you? Because if you are an entrepreneur in your industry, going for influencer status will get your more leads that you could ever imagine!
Keep in mind it won't be very easy, especially if you aren't fond of writing but if you take it slow I believe anyone can create a decent piece of content. Overall, you just need to make sure you get certain things just right!
Make sure you go through the following steps:
1. Find and target the best websites for you to pitch on. In my opinion, when you are first getting started as an influencer in your niche don't go for the top publications, you need to have some background to publish for them so instead go for the medium publications, they'll be glad somebody is noticing them and will gladly accept free content.
After you refined the art of pitching and you already have some good articles under your belt you can safely pitch for the big players, but until then, let's stick to the middle man.
2. You already need to have some samples articles published. LinkedIn is the perfect platform for you to publish your first articles! Even if the middle players you will pitch for will be happy and will accept free content they'll want to see some samples of your work first to make sure you know what you are talking about.
My advice would be to start publishing 5 big articles on LinkedIn. Don't be afraid to give it your best, it's your work and you always need to give your best, it represents you!
3. Connect with the publication you are pitching for on social media. Follow them on twitter, like them on Facebook, link them on LinkedIn and share their content right before you start pitching. It will get you noticed and this can mean a lot for them and you'll make a nice impression.
4. Make sure you read and agree with all of their terms before you start pitching. Any serious news website or general publication has a special page where they'll list all the requirements needed for people that want to guest post on their website or blog. Make sure you read that page carefully and act exactly as they need you to act.
5. Email them. Be short and direct, don't write long boring pitch emails! Get to the point right from the start, you don't really need to link them to samples yet, you'll get to that later after the first response. Firstly you just want to make sure you are in through the door. If you don't get a response, don't worry, write another email after a week or so. Be persistent but not annoying!
Keep in mind these people are getting a huge number of emails every day from people just like you. You need to stand out and keep trying while others quit.
In Conclusion: Starting out in your influencer journey isn't very hard. You just need to have some article samples ready to prove you know how to write and start pitching to the right people. Follow the rules and be persistent, you won't get to be a guru from the first day but if you write enough articles on enough publications it will be just a matter of time until publication will contact you and not the other way around.
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