
Google Assistant is the best personal assistant

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Google Assistant is the best personal assistant

The market for intelligent personal assistants like Amazon Echo, Cortona or Siri has grown the last couple of years quite a lot.
There is a new type of player in town: the intelligent personal assistant device like Google Assistant and Amazon Echo especially designed to help you with whatever questions you may have.
But when it comes to choosing one many people will run into difficulties. Firstly because unless you used one at a friend's house or something you may not have direct experience with such a device. And Second, because each device has its own ups and downs.

As a Google enthusiast, there isn't much of a question for me. I'd go with the Google Assistant all the way.
And apparently, I'm making the right choice! Why? Because Google Assistant does what Google provides best: Answers.

In past surveys, it has been shown that most people want more instant answers from their intelligent assistants and not implementing actual searches as demonstrated by this graphic:
Google Assistant is the best personal assistant

And as I said, who is the king of information and instant answers? Google of course. Comparing Google Home, Cortona, Siri and Amazon Echo the winner is clearly Google with a whopping 68.1% answered questions having a 90.6% accuracy.
Google Assistant is the best personal assistant

I find it amazing how low down the chart Amazon Echo is. With only 20.7% of the questions asked by its users being answered and only 87% being correct.

For me at least, things are pretty clear. Google will be a leader in the intelligent home assistants and over time I'm sure it will implement some kind of monopoly on this industry, beating its competitors on all fronts because, in essence, Google is a mighty search engine with almost all the information, while its competitors are....well, are not.

I personally use Google Now, or Ok Google to perform a simple task, like calling somebody when I'm driving or getting or getting basic information by asking simple questions. Overall I'm very intrigued when it comes to devices like Google Home, I would totally buy one but my spoken English isn't very good, I don't mispronounce words but I do have a heavy accent (or at least I think I do) and I'm pretty sure there is no virtual assistant capable of understanding me perfectly, for example, when I'm using Google assistant on my phone, I sometimes need to repeat things like three times before it understand me.

Until these home assistants aren't available for all the countries out there, I'm not getting one yet.
What is your opinion on virtual assistants like Google Home or Amazon Echo? Do you prefer home based devices like Google Assistant and Amazon


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I am using Allo app. And it has the google personal assistant. I am not sure how good is the performance on other device. But the phone works well with such personal assistant. I have found that some of the good commands and the automation does work for the Allo. So yeah google personal assistant has a lot of good future ahead.

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I have Allo too. I haven't used it much yet (aside from requesting jokes, Allo can do that!), but its a really great concept and it is implemented really well. If they can somehow corporate Allo to the actual device aside from the downloadable application, it would probably be the best virtual assistant out there.

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Yes the allo seems to be using same API as google assistant. It can take the request and then reply based on that. You can then decide to make some good changed into it. I personally think that it's wise to use the apps with interactive content like that. This way we don't end up being anti social. So such content is definitely worth it.

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To be honest, I've never used the Google assistant. So far, I've used Cortana, and it has worked really good, sometimes I think is way too slow, but generally speaking, it does the job. Siri was kind of useful in the beginning, but to be honest, it turned out to be annoying in some way. Never had the curiosity to try Google assistant, but based on your opinion and post, then I guess it deserves a try out.

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I have read about about Google assistant but yet to actually use it .I believe it a nice ides having it, it will be of great assistance with tasking questions.Using any if these totally depends on it features and one which one is comfortable with but the most important thing is getting the desired answer.

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This is the first time that I had learned of Google Assistant. I am ignorant of such and I guess I will be researching about it after finishing this comment. It looks like a helpful tool because that’s what the name implies. Okay, I have checked on the Google Assistant and I got confused. Does that mean I need to have a microphone for my tablet? Sorry, I don’t know if my tablet has one. Anyway, it looks like the Google Assistant is only for mobile. Am I correct on this assumption?

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In my part of the world Google Assistant and its type are still very far from becoming common place. This is because the technology has not spread over here. I think that they work better in the USA and they are set up with that Country in mind, that's why they would have a problem hearing your accent. In terms of finding location and local places I think that they are set up better for the USA. Unless you have a local Google Office in your Country they don't work so well. The other Assistants like Amazon Echo are even more tuned to the USA. I would argue this technology is still evolving and adopting to other places round the world.

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