
We fear our actions at times

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We fear our actions at times

We have all more less been in that state of mind. You have a really smart thought what must be done, however you can't do it. You know it is the suitable thing to do, however you can't act. You are trapped. You reflect on the conditions again and again in your mind, yet at the same time you don't generally make a move. You hold up… sit tight for life to tag along and work it out for you. At that point you acknowledge the result. There are times when this approach may be alright, maybe even the best decision; however more often than not we simply don't have the bravery to settle on a choice.

That is the thing that it comes down to, you know… fearlessness. All things considered, I realize that is the situation for me at any rate. I have taken to analyzing myself at such circumstances when I think that its hard to choose what best to do. Fear prevents me from acting of my own will. I take a gander at the "conceivable" outcomes and I can't stand to push ahead. Shouldn't something be said about the other activity? All things considered, the aftermath of that may likewise be horrendous, so I don't make that move either. I can't stay where I am. I should do one of the other. Over and again I return back to a similar intersection, and I don't follow up on it is possible that one, trusting that whenever I return there would be greater clearness. Tragically, clearness scarcely comes. In the end, when I do act, significantly more harm has been done than was necessary...damage that could have been kept away from on the off chance that I just had the fearlessness to act sooner.

Settling on choices is a key movement in taking control of your life. It's an ability in itself. A few people appear to be able to show improvement over others. For these individuals, it is by all accounts a natural capacity. For others, well it requires advancement. You need to rehearse. You need to utilize those "basic leadership" muscles. You can't stand to stick around for things to happen. You need to go up against your fear...fear of disappointment and of missed open doors.

With a specific end goal to build up the capacity to act when the circumstance requests it, ironically the best partner is a more "inactive" asset. It's acknowledgement. When you can figure out how to acknowledge life, then you can accomplish more without being deadened by dread. Consider it. You can't control everything. This is a reality. You can't see the future (unless you are psychic or something, in which case avoid this); another reality. You will commit errors in life; however you can recuperate and proceed onward. Acknowledge the greater part of this and you're well on your approach to having the capacity to settle on intense choices.


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We have fear, because we overthink too much about the consequences. Sometimes, people don't even start doing. They give up before they actually start, because they overthink of the outcome. We should be more confident, and don't be afraid of what you want to do!

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What we fear most is the consequences of our action but in a way it good or else alit of time we will get ourselves into Trouble if you didn't realize the consequence that would follow on time so as to retrace our steps.

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Yes as humans we do have fear,I believe it comes with overthinking to much. As I get older I try not to stress as much and don't let little things bother me.

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Fear is something our mind creates because of our awareness of the consequences. It is a false evidence that appears real, and is merely a reaction. But the fears we don't face become our limits. Overcoming fear is important, but sometimes, it encourages healthy stress, that motivates you to perform better. Fear feeds on the unknown. Imagine the very worst thing that could happen and decide what you'll do and how you'll feel if it did happen. Fear feeds on feelings of impossibilities, negativity, lies, waiting for the right time, and even on perfectionism. What you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. So don't give a damn, be fearless, step out of your comfort zone and you do what you got to do anyway. The ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for!

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I suppose sometimes, yes. But I find hesitation and fear to be the greatest enemy. I find that if I start hesitating at something, it usually ends up with me failing. This is why I often don't hesitate, keep the moral values in mind as usual but always move first and think later. Because I believe that it's only when you are conquered by fear that you've already lost.

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I've always thought that overthinking is our worst enemy. Often times we don't even try things just because we only focus on the what if. For some things, we should just plan out and go for it. We really don't know what could happen. We can fail or succeed, no other outcome. It's up to us to take a step forward, but we'll never move on unless we leave fear behind and jump to action.

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There is nothing healthy about fear or regret. Fear is a negative emotion that incapacitates and freezes the brain from thinking and renders you powerless. And regret pulls you back and makes you feel pain over something you usually have no control over. One tip I can offer is, in times like these, learn from the mistake, shake it off and move on. There is still more ahead and life goes on.

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This post just mirrored my mind and reflect how I could be sometimes. Sometimes I will be scared to face a situation and I will just assume a passive mode hoping that some way some how it will go. I mean I do think it like right I have to take up responsibility but something could just mess me up if I actually face them. So I just hope nature could come to my rescue and make it go away so I won't have to deal with it.

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Fear can ruin your day especially if it is imagined. Not really being paranoid but sometimes I have that fear that I had offended someone in the way I said something about an issue. At other times, I sense fear creep up with my perception of a person's body English or facial expression. My husband would always tell me to ignore the fear unless a person would tell me that I did something wrong. Now I have learned not to be too conscious of the reaction of people but I still sense fear on occasions.

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You really described me on this for I have been in certain situations that I got afraid of the actions that I have displayed. It is not always easy to decide what the outcome of our actions, but once we believe in doing that which is right, then we can always take a look at the past and, irrespective of the outcome, say that we took the right decisions.

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Fear is temporary but regret is forever. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right. F.E.A.R. has two meanings- Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise. The fears we don't face become our limits and fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. I understand that fear is only a feeling you don't want to feel. But feel it. Feel it and be free. Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear. To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around it. Sometimes the fear won't go away, so you'll have to do it afraid. Remember, a ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it has been built for.

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I'm definitely all too familiar with this state of mind. The thing is that, inherently, I'm not one to take risks. I'd say that a good portion of the general population are this way as well. It's really easy for me to be content with a less than satisfactory situation, so long as it feels safe. This is obviously terrible in terms of improving one's life and working on ambitions and goals. I fear to stray into the unknown at the risk of losing what I've already accumulated. That being said, day by day I'm working to get over this fear, and instead go out there, take risks, and try to achieve my dreams even at the risk of failure.

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I agree that fear can paralyze. Most of the time you know what to do but can't do it, and you just can't explain why. I have learned that you need to stop overthinking things just do them. People wait to be 100 percent competent in something to do it. I listen to the wisdom that says do it and learn as you go. If it is a mistake, you would have learned enough to self-correct. Life is one complicated mess but rewards action, so take action.

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