
15 Twitter Tweet Statistics You Might Not Know But Really Should if You Use Twitter

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15 Twitter Tweet Statistics You Might Not Know But Really Should if You Use Twitter

15 Twitter Tweet Statistics You Might Not Know But Really Should if You Use Twitter

Do you want to get more retweets of your tweets and more followers for your Twitter account? Well all it really takes, next to following more people and promoting your Twitter account, is to know about what it takes to make a tweet a truly good tweet that does get more clicks, retweets, favourites and followers because of it. So here's 15 Twitter Tweeting Statistics you can use and adopt in your Twitter tweets. These are Twitter tweet statistics that you might not know but really should, if you use Twitter in any way at all!

1. Tweets with images in them not only get 18% more clicks than tweets that don't but they also get 150% more retweets and 89% more favourites too. And since you can add an image in a tweet very easily it's well worth doing when you next tweet something.

2. It's not always easy to add a video to a tweet since you might not have one for it. But Tweets that are videos get up to 28% more retweets than those that don't!

3. Tweets that have one or more #hashtags in them are 55% more likely to get retweeted than tweets that don't have any hashtags in them at all. Now I bet you'll be using more #hashtags right?

4. Tweets that use quotation marks "like this", are 30% more likely to get retweeted than those that that don't quote something. So go ahead and "quote" more things in your tweets for more retweets.

5. Tweets that use exclamation marks in them get a lot more retweets than those that don't! There's something very powerful about the exclamation mark! Point in case! So use more of them!

6. Tweets that use numbers in them such as digits and amounts get up to 17% more retweets than tweets that just use words only. Well some people are just suckers for numbers!

7. Tweets that use words such as "Twitter", "please", "retweet" and "post" get retweeted much more than tweets that don't. So please post your Twitter tweets using these words.

8. Tweets with the words "Please RT" in them naturally get more retweets, up to 3x more in fact. And Tweets with the words "Please ReTweet" get up to 4x more retweets too.

9. Tweets length really matters on Twitter. Tweets that are around 70-100 characters long get the most amount of retweets. Anything less or longer than this don't get as many.

10. Tweets that contain links in them get retweeted up to around 10% more times than those that don't. It's probably because people trust links more than others.

11. Tweets get most of their retweets in the first half hour of being tweeted. After this they gradually slow to a roll. For that reason, schedule tweets 30 minutes apart from each other.

12. Tweets that mention other users using "Via" and "@" get more clicks on the links they contain than those that don't mention other users. So start mentioning more people to get more retweets!

13. Tweets that have links in them about a quarter of the way into the tweet get the most amount of clicks on them. So as a good practice, place your links in the first part of your tweet.

14. Tweets with links in them get more followers than tweets that don't. So share more links in your tweets if you want to get more followers for your Twitter account.

15. Tweets that are posted between 1 and 3 PM on Twitter and tweeted on Monday to Thursday are the tweets that get seen the most and subsequently get the most engagement and visits.

And if you didn't know this before, now you know!

Do you use these Twitter tweet tips when tweeting something?

Will you now? 15 Twitter Tweet Statistics You Might Not Know But Really Should if You Use Twitter


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Awesome statistics, thanks for sharing Mike! Great to know that tweets with images and videos are way more engaged by users than normal tweets any content that is not text content will do very well in 2017 and this is especially true when it comes to video!

Also, it seems rather strange that tweets posted in a certain time frame are can become more popular since the whole world and even the US have different time frames.

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Great detail mike, I also am working on twitter I have a business account and another personal account. Working with the hashtags and the other ideas given which there are alot of way's to get a lot of engagement on twitter .

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Really cool info thank you i will definetly try some of this for my SEO, it helped alot 15 Twitter Tweet Statistics You Might Not Know But Really Should if You Use Twitter

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The #1 is interesting. I have never attached an image with my tweets. The preview image might appear when I am sharing a link, but never tweeted images. Next time I am tweeting, I will make sure to attach an image and see the conversion rate. The stats related to quotation marks and exclamation marks are also interesting. I will try these when I am tweeting next time.

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To be honest, I only learned last year that Twitter has the facility to include images. Obviously, I am not a Twitter user because my account is inactive. I seem to have no use for it and I am quite content with Facebook for my social media needs. Anyway, it is surprising that images get more reactions than a plain message. I guess we are going visual now with the marketing techniques because of that.

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