
Please report inactive sellers/services here Support

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Please report inactive sellers/services here

As part of our on-going effort to keep the SEOClerks Marketplace cleaned up and free of spam, we are deleting services from inactive sellers.

After all, these services are another form of spam if you think about it, cluttering up our Marketplace. The seller is long gone and can't properly provide service. If a buyer purchases a service from an inactive seller who hasn't logged in for months or even years, that's going to lead to complaints, cancellations and even Paypal disputes.

Also, these inactive sellers and their inactive services pose 'competition' for the sellers who have stuck around with us and intent on doing a good job.

You don't want an inactive seller getting the sale you should have gained? Right!

We've already cleaned many categories of inactive sellers but need your help.

At the moment, we are focusing on the SEO related services:[]=1&pricerange=1,100&avgrestime=1,100&t=20

To find an inactive seller, go to our link and just mouse over their username to the right side of the service and you'll see last login.

If that seller hasn't logged in for awhile, please report the seller profile link below. 

Please report inactive sellers/services here

We are not banning inactive sellers, only removing the services to make room for others who really do want to sell and succeed at SEOClerks.

We hope you'll join us in our efforts to clean up the SEOClerks Marketplace to make it even more relevant for our buying and selling community.


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This is a great move.I am not a regular buyer,but i have bought services from inactive users and just wasted my time.....
As a seller,it is really bad for our own sales,because buyers order from inactive members instead of active members.It would be bad for buyers and sellers both.
I really appreciate this action......
I'll report inactive services if i come across...

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I had a similar experience too, a few weeks back when trying to purchase from a seller. It showed he had logged in within a day and yet he completely ignored my order. I had to get the order cancelled. It was annoying. His prices were VERY good for what he was offering. I guess he did not want to honor the deal. But I would have been fine if he had simply said that he could no longer do the work for such a price, rather than just never responding as I do feel that I wasted a lot of time on that order. Now I am wondering if he was ever active or if for some reason his browser logs him in when he goes online so that he is not active at all.

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p.s. Thank you, we appreciate your help. Please report inactive sellers/services here

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I have reported quite a few since 16th of April, most of them were top seller, but inactive with more than 40 to 80 days. Another thing I would like to point out is that if there a way to see the similarities between the service descriptions. Creating a new service is not easy and even if it is not easy I would not be happy to see someone simply plagiarizing without hard work and making money. However, I am in favor if a new seller is just looking around and observing and creating his or her services in their own unique way instead of copying.

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I don't remember if I had told this story on the thread or not but when i was a new freelancer on SEOClerks (maybe a year into the business), another girl copied my forum posting service verbatim and was selling at $5 when I was selling it for $15. I didn't know for a long time but my business took a dip, and I lost a lot of customers to her because she stole my description. Then I guess she left the website with orders hanging and one of her buyers got angry and found me, and posted something mean on my profile asking if I was her? Because our description was the same. He was angry that (as he said), I had not finished his order for weeks now. And, I had never met this buyer! The other seller not only cost me sales of services that should have been mine by stealing my description; she also cost the website a lot of money in lost orders by just walking off from the orders she got. I didn't realize that people even did that kind of thing then, to just steal another person's service as their own. And, yeah it happens a lot, especially when someone is reselling a service, they don't even bother writing original copy. They just copy the description and mark it up $5 or $10 and then sell as their own. Anyway, my point being, look around in your category to make sure that no one is copying your description. You might be surprised.

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Ugh, I remember when I was going to buy some services and half of the ones I found were verrrrrry inactive. They hadn't been online for almost 2 years :'(

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Yeah, we've got an amazing moderation team now. Really getting things cleaned up. As always, we're very happy to have the community's help on this. Please report inactive sellers/services here

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its Awesome. Actually i dont buy any service if seller dont login more than 7 days. With deletion inactive seller it will help buyer to save their time also.

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If a seller is serious about building their SEOClerks business, they will take time to login at least once a week. There's really no excuse not to do so.

We're done with babysitting inactive services. If a service hasn't been purchased in the past four or five years, will it ever? Probably not. Just more clutter. So it has to go.

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"if people don't log in to their account after a certain amount of time, it goes up for "auction" of sorts and gets sold to the highest bidder."

But who know what happened to this people, maybe they a sick or have some other family problems, and with this acc. takeover is same as new seller have fake reviews because these reviews was based on previous sellers services not new one.
Most better solution is that if someone not login in 7-15 days, account goes dormant status mostly because this - maybe they a sick or have some other family problems. And in 1 year totally erased, this is most fair solution. If possible by website system.
Just for example if acc owner live in country when suddenly war started and suddenly he cannot login for few month, but maybe they will succeed that in few months, no need to destroy this seller totally.

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We have zero tolerance for fake reviews/ratings fraud, userlevel fraud, any kind of fraud. Any indication that an account was bought or sold will result in ban of any person involved and all linked accounts. Those ratings belong to the original seller, not some imposter coming in after the fact.

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But who know what happened to this people, maybe they a sick or have some other family problems

Real life stuff happens and while it's ideal if a seller would take five minutes to suspend their own services before leaving the site, in a family emergency, that might not be practical. As you suggested, it would be good if services of an inactive seller automatically suspended after a certain amount of time. Not only would it prevent a buyer from accidentally purchasing that service (which in turn would reduce number of dissatisfied buyers, cancellations, disputes) but would also cut down on the many hours of staff moderation duties which are required to manually locate and suspend services from each inactive seller.

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This is a really amazing move! I am definitely up for this. It's a shame that people will set up a service and then just walk away because all it's doing is causing problems for others and increasing competition as you say for active sellers. As an active seller myself I often do wonder if I miss out on orders because someone else who offered the same service at a lower price is getting the orders yet they may be inactive on SEOClerks.

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We cleaned the forum posting category last night and there were a few inactive sellers there. Those inactive services are just as likely to be purchased by a buyer as yours as some buyers don't check to see when a seller last logged in.

Another thing, I caught a seller copying your service description.

Please report inactive sellers/services here

This is another thing we need to monitor our category for. Is another seller copying you? If so that can really dig into your business. That seller is probably reselling your service and trying to pocket the $1.00 but really it comes down to how they should create their own description and copy/paste is not allowed.

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Great idea really. Wish that this doesn't have to happen, but obviously some people giving up their efforts to sell for who knows what reason. I noticed that most of these are Level 1 sellers who probably loosing their hope to boost their sales, but we are here to help as much we can.
I am promoting so many services trough my affiliate websites and feel sad when i invest so much time to bring some new customer in and his service is not delivered ever after....

Like in this case:
Seller: RetroSpins not delivering sold service via my affiliate link, logged in 31 days ago. I even tried to send him private message if he is maybe receiving notifications to his email... But no response Please report inactive sellers/services here

Since service is sold to NEW customer i joined in, i guess this person is confused and we can loose potential customer for further buying of our valuable services at Seoclerks

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Yes, it's very discouraging when good affiliates go inactive, especially if they were actively purchasing before or only made one really good purchase before leaving the site. Maybe this is a challenge we all face in affiliate marketing.

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This is very good move SEOclerks. I will be reporting few sellers.

All the best,

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Thanks for your suggestion. We depend on our community to help us stay strong. Please report inactive sellers/services here

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PS: We should start removing SEO services based on PR metrics.

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You seem knowledgeable in this area. Maybe you could create some discussions for us on that matter?

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I did. Look like it has gone to pending approval section.

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Yes, all new discussions go under moderation. I hope this does not deter our community from creating new discussions as we all love to see what you all are saying! Please report inactive sellers/services here

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sir why are suspend my services ?please help me i am good worker.

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What happened with your services?
Did try to contact Ionicware @ or submit your issue in Help Desk

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@Abid1, you are welcome to bid on jobs here in our Want to Buy Marketplace:

This is a ideal solution for building your reputation with buyers and a good name as a reliable seller.

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Thanks! @idealmike

@promaster67, Thanks for your concern. And, the point of this thread is not to shame or embarrass a seller who hasn't logged in for awhile. We understand that sometimes offline concerns take our sellers away from us. We're just hoping to rally community support. By working together we can clean up the Marketplace! We all benefit when SEOClerks is free of inactive services. If you feel uncomfortable posting a link or username here, then please do as Mike suggested and hit the report button. As always, we're very much appreciative of any assistance you can offer! Please report inactive sellers/services here

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Great move. This will for sure result in more sales for active sellers.

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That's our hope! Please report inactive sellers/services here

This is not about reporting your competition but hey if your competition is a guy who hasn't bothered logging in for three years and is still getting orders you deserve? Then go for it! Please report inactive sellers/services here

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I'm Report some Sevices because they are inactive sellers.

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Thank you! We appreciate your assistance.

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We wonder why trouble so much
Check this One can find whole bunch of them together.

Anyway, It would have been better, if there was a standard protocol.
e.g. Reminding those Seller/buyer if they've not login for more than 30 days. Then suspending their services, from public view.
So, that a genuine sellers doesnot face any problems once he return to sell again. Just he need to mark his service active again.

These can be done via simple scripting and hooks etc.

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Gone on holiday status

On a vaguely related topic, might I suggest a “Gone on holiday, back in X days” status”?

If that could then be displayed against the seller’s profile and the seller’s services, it would mean that SEOClerks staff will know that someone’s absence is not a disappearing act and potential buyers and regular buyers would know that seller will be back soon as well.

I appreciate that you could use the current status system to tell people that are on holiday, but buyers don’t see that when they are looking at a service.

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A lot of sellers have requested this feature, a way to sleep their profile/services, such as for vacation. And, I know another Marketplace has this feature and likely it works for them. It is a hassle when we have to suspend a seller's services, this takes staff time that could be better allotted to something else. Maybe that would be a nice solution for sellers that will use it.

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In response to what I said before about vacation mode.

I would not mind a feature that sellers can use to lock their own profile/services so buyers will stop ordering that number of days the seller knows he will be away.

On the flip side, that kind of feature depends on the seller's willingness to use itl. And, many sellers we see could have easily deactivated their own services in two seconds time by using the 'select all/suspend' feature on the seller dashboard. And then just post a status update that is publicly viewable to let your buyers know when you will be back.

It doesn't take that much effort. And, it serves the same effect as vacation mode.

If a seller can't be bothered to take that few seconds to suspend their services, they probably would not care enough to 'activate Vacation Mode' - this is all dependent on the seller.

Even in an emergency, you think to call your boss, right? To let them know you are not coming into the office due to illness. Think of SEOClerks in the same way.

If SEOClerks is your job place as a freelancer and you're using it to earn a living, then actually take time to care that you are walking off and leaving people behind that were depending on you. Sellers have these tools now, just use them.

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Hello Beverly
Have a wonderful day.

I have an idea want to share with you though you are also an administrator of Ionic ware. As my suggession SEOClerks can make an algorithm where the inactive services and seller name will show far distance of search result so that no buyer can get any inactive sellers service at tge feature section or by the search button based search zone. Basically buyers search on keyword based. If any one does not login one day than he will be ine step back.

SEOClerks will shos the search result by latest login based. In this way buyer will stay and SEOClerks will bs helpful for everyone.


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What about a user that login everyday but never respond my message or my comment in a service?

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706 day:
111 day:

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87 day:

108 day:

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Yes there are quiet a few members I seen where show's they not been active for like 200 day's or so its mad I tell ya.. Yeah great Idea will keep look out and see if I see any un active members .

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And, some big sellers too, just walking off? Who does that, after you spend years building a business and then just leave? Why? I see no sense in it. Though i do understand we lost some sellers after we stopped allowing Instagram and Facebook related.

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Inactive for 1336 days, that's more than 3 years >>>

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Thanks! Fixed. Any more links like that would be appreciated.

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inactive seller(380 days) : mycheapfollower

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inactive(998 days): mqss

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inactive 125 days: RahulSeo

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last logged in 151 days: parag4485

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last seen 98 days ago: only4U

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last seen 107 days ago: abdulwahabmahar

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last seen 118 days ago: GrabFollowers

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last seen 72 days ago: ALADIN

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last seen 164 days ago: CrowdfundingPR

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Inactive Users:

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Artois52 144 Days 1,146 Days 1,190 Days 340 Days 229 Days 169 Days 236 Days 228 Days 1,200 Days 224 Days 309 Days

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Everett 562 days ago

Just curious to know why Jordan doesn't have a function to deacctivate services of sellers that have been inactive for quite some time.. Would be much easier than to manually disable the services.

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Inactive seller

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another inactive seller

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another inactive seller

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another inactive seller

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Great way of giving space to the active sellers. If there are sellers just taking up space just remove them..

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This is really a great move and its going to help both the seller as well as the buyers!

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I love how I upload a service on this you so call ''seo website'' and it keeps being removed.
Nice one.

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Two of the four services rejected for this account included a copyright Youtube logo. Also, all descriptions were short, lacking good details. And, as I might have mentioned before we're not accepting anything Youtube related as we are moderating the category to remove low quality services.

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By months how many months should we report at? I saw a few profiles that were inactive for about 3 months and I wasn't sure if that was in the threshold for whether or not they should be removed. Is this only for the services or does this apply to users as well?

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Oh okay, thank you for clearing that up for me. Well, then I'll do my best to keep the streets of SEOClerks clear and clean! Also, can you sell website designs or website templates and whatnot here?

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I am glad to know there is a place to share when sellers are inactive. I've come across a couple services that I was interested in ordering but saw the sellers have not logged in for 9 months - year. I will definitely keep my eyes open to future inactive sellers and report them here. Thanks!

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Thanks for your assistance. We appreciate the community's involvement.

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A lot of buyers come to this community with enormous purchasing enthusiasm but after a few disappointing first orders, they start to become weary. They begin to treat every service sold here with great suspicion. As discussed extensively in this forum thread already, inactive sellers should not have their products appear in the Public Marketplace at all.

I remember my first time joining this platform, I was so naive, I went on a shopping spree like a family mom who has just won a ten grand gift card to fill her house with whatever she wants for Christmas. So ignorant I was of some members behavior that I never took a careful look at what I was buying. After nearly wiping out my credit card clean, I ended up with great disappointment. Some sellers failed to deliver on time and many other sellers produced very low quality and substandard products that I could not proudly use anywhere.

It’s a fact here that sellers on this community are very mistrustful of one another, they all want to sell services to each other but not to buy from one another, there are so many sellers but very few buyers, all thanks to the widespread negative customer experience.

We should do everything we can as members to make this community a better place for everyone, Newbie buyers, registered members and Freelances. We should not leave out everything for the staff to sort out themselves.

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