
Blogging for profits - How to do it.

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Blogging for profits - How to do it.

Blogging for profits is something many writers, maybe even you, are trying to accomplish so that they can just sit at home and type all day. Well there are plenty of people blogging for profits and they do it well. I know plenty of writers who have been doing this for at least 5 years and they love every second of it because they can sleep in most days and write when they want. Obviously they would need to work more days than they take off, but that's how any successful business model starts off lol. Imagine if you could be a blogger and not have to write 5+ days a week and still be profitable...

So how exactly do you start blogging for profits?
It's actually not that difficult to make money blogging, but it is difficult to make a full time income doing it. I write a lot for myself, clients, friends and family but I'm still not at the level of the people I know who are blogging for a full time income. I may write for an hour or two each day, but the people I know are doing it for 5+ hours each day. What you need to do is set up your blog and get to writing! You can't profit from blogging if you're not putting content on your main website.

What do I write about?
You can actually write about anything you want, as long as it's quality content. Start off writing about something you know so that you don't have to do much research about the posts. If you know a lot about snowboarding I wouldn't recommend you writing about day trading, unless that too is your thing. Make sure your content is as unique as possible, don't copy/paste any content from another website and don't use public images because you could just be getting a lawsuit sent to your home or business due to copyright infringements.

How do I make money blogging?
That's actually one of the easier things because there are plenty of ways to do this. You can either put adsense strips on your pages that will change for each page based on the content and you can get paid every time someone clicks on the ad. You can put affiliate links on your pages from clickbank or similar platforms and you make a commission for every sale. You can put BuySellAds ad spacing on your pages and advertisers will pay for placements on a monthly basis, but you need a good amount of traffic before you'll make a lot of money this way. You can also get paid from private clients hiring you to blog on their websites in order to build content for them.

In conclusion, blogging for profits is never an easy thing to be successful in because it does take time. You need to get a good amount of traffic in order to get clicks on your ads, purchases through your affiliate links or ad purchases through BuySellAds. There's always a starting point, and it's never too late to start getting recognized within your niche. Get out there and post loads of unique content on your blog/website and eventually you will have people contacting you for fresh content on their own websites (if you advertise your writing skills are for sale).

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I think you will need a good amount of visitors to get a reasonable income, and they should also click on the ads..... it is pretty hard to get the visitors in the beginning, but once you start getting visitors, everything will be fine and you may be more inspired and would be able to write better....
I think you'll need faith in yourself to make it a successful blog......
All the best....

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Making a profit through blogging is definitely something that can be achieved but it's not something that you can do over night. Just writing is the easy part, well easier part of making a profit from a blog, as long as you have the ideas and are able to write then you have the content but to be able to make a profit from a blog that takes a lot more time. Placing Adsense banners on your forum is the first step then it's onto getting the traffic. Guest blog posting with you link placed in your blog post somewhere or even forum posting with your link in your signature is one place to start. As long as you have the good content that people want to see you will succeed in making a profit even though it will start out slow.

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Personally, I want to develop my blog ONLY with good content and very relevant information. I will give people the kind of information others offer in exchange for money and by doing that I will make sure I'll start having a following. But I won't do anything, I will not promote my services, I will no offer my assistance. I will let people in the industry come to me first and after I develop into an authority I will only offer consulting services to real top dogs.
That's my plan.

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If you are thinking about money the moment you launched your blog, it will never work. Blogging does not make you instant money. Blogging is a work of patience. It have take six months or may be one year before you can see some earnings. First of all you need to have a niche. What niche you pick depends on your skills, knowledge, and experience. After you set up a website, you will have to develop contents around your niche. You you have good contents, you will have to apply for ad networks such as adsense, Upon approval, you will get an opportunity to have Google ads in your blog which makes you money. Once you get adsense, you can also look for other ads such as affiliate ads or other network ads. You will have to constantly promote your blog and generate high quality volume traffic.

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What I know about earnings from blogs is the enrollment to Google Adsense. The blog that I was co-writing was earning under the Adsense program. From what I understand, the more readers you have, the more income your blog generates. So maybe if you are a popular blogger then you should be earning so much from your blog.

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In order to maximize your earnings from adsense having traffic is not enough. Well, you need traffic, however, if that traffic does not convert, for instance no ads are clicked, no purchases are made, you are not earning. If you want to maximize your earning, you will have to think about the ways to encourage visitors to engage with your ads. You can do this by having related ads and blending ads with the main content.

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Earnings from blogs are usually generated by traffic. To generate traffic, a blogger needs to consistently provide compelling content that provide value to users. As my blog is new, I am focusing on this aspect and working on marketing my blog using the social media and my offline connections. There are several ways to monetize my blog besides Adsense and I'm working on creating more earning potentials through sponsored content. I will need a lot of patience though, as blogging success doesn't happen overnight.

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