
A Quick Guide to All That Twitter Lingo

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A Quick Guide to All That Twitter Lingo

Sometimes you come across abbreviations on Twitter and wonder, what does that mean. Right? I used to all the time! We all know what some of the characters and symbols mean. Well mostly all of us. But ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a quick breakdown guide to what all that Twitter Lingo is, means and stands for! A Quick Guide to All That Twitter Lingo

Symbol Meanings

@ = A mention: Such as Hey @SEOClerk thanks for being so awesome!
# = Hashtag: For linking to meaningful words like #SEO is #sexy and I'm watching the #Superbowl.
^ = Caret/Hat sign: Used to denote who a tweet is composed by. Example: Some tweet text ^IM (Ideal Mike).
$ = More for stock market names/codes. Example $GOOG (Google) or $MSFT (Microsoft).

Abbreviation Meanings

AFAIK = As Far As I Know
ICYMI = In Case You Missed It
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
TFTF = Thanks For The Follow
TQRT = Thanks For The Retweet
RLRT = Real Life Retweet
PRT = Partial Retweet
SMH = Shaking My Head
TMB = Tweet Me Back
TIL = Today I Learned
CC = Carbon Copy
CD = Correction
DM = Direct Message
FF = Follow Friday
MM = Music Monday
HT = Hat Tip / Heard Through
MT = Modified Tweet
OH = Overheard
RT = Retweet
RR = Translated Tweet
W/ With

And that is your basic Twitter lingo meanings.

And with that I'll leave you with this - TIL, TFTF, TMB, HT! A Quick Guide to All That Twitter Lingo

What other Twitter lingo is there that you know of and use?


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Great post mike thanks for sharing your knowledge about the twitter meanings. I only knew about some of it the rest was new to me so thank you. This will help a lot of members who are on twitter including me lol. Hope your well anyway mate. Been checking out your services you got some good services A Quick Guide to All That Twitter Lingo I may use one soon .

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I have been using Twitter since 2011 and still, I am unaware of many of these twitter lingo. Thanks for sharing, however, I may not be able to memorize all of them.

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This is a good one thanks for the share.just bookmarked this. Though I knew some definitely not all. used to wonder what some meant and Google couldn't even help. I have got it now.

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Thank you for giving us that information about Twitter lingo. I admit that I am ignorant of most of those nuances contained in your list and maybe it is high time that I begin to learn about it. To be honest, I am not using much my Twitter account because I feel like it is a duplicate of Facebook. Besides, I am not really spending much time in social media so I am sticking to Facebook for now.

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