
Should I include keywords in my page links?

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Should I include keywords in my page links?

Just started working on a static html site and was wondering if I should include my keywords as part of the page link url?

For instance, if i had a game site, my page title might say: my-free-games.html.

Would that help me rank higher in Google?


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Yes definitely, having the main keywords in the link is crucial when it comes to better ranking. Just make sure you also have a related Title, description and keywords for that page. As well as relevant content.

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No, these will not help you whatsoever. Unless I'm wrong and forgetting something then file names will not affect anything. The only time that helps is when it's like /words_here/ but if that was /words_here.php then you get nothing from it.

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We agree with the advice given by user "Rancid", however, Google frowns on excessive usage

The better ones would be

sometime up to second level is ok.

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This is new to me because my understanding of keywords is that it is included in the tagging when you upload the content to a new web page. If the name of the page includes the keyword I don’t think it should have an advantage with the search engines because the keyword is part of the name and it has no other meaning. But with the page title I guess it has an influence with the search engines.

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