
Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

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Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

Finding local SEO or Web Design clients isn't always an easy thing to do. You can cold call hundreds of businesses each day and hopefully get a few new clients, but the amount of time that it would take to do that would cut into your time that you would need to do the actual work. So I've come up with a few ways to find some new SEO or Web Design clients that are local.

We all know that businesses are more willing to sign up with a local company than someone overseas or a company that is a few hundred miles away. I've had plenty of clients want to have a sit down with me, but it's just not reasonable because they are a few states away. If they were to sign a 1 year contract and start paying me thousands a month I would have absolutely no problem flying out to them to talk, but that's not how it normally happens. It's usually tire kickers that want you to fly out and waste your time.

Local clients are a goldmine, and you should always treat them like kings or queens because they will spread the word about your services. Now I'm not telling you to give them everything for free or even a steep discount. But you should always over deliver your services and make sure they know you did! If you go above and beyond the call of SEO or Web Design, you'll have a client for a long time Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

Now then, how exactly do you target local clients and get them to sign up?

Disclaimer: If you're not willing to invest a good amount of time into this to try it out, then quite reading here.

Ok, so let's start...

The Manual Way

1) Go to and instead of searching for a specific business in the search bar, add a keywords like "restaurant" and enter the town you want to target.

2) Go through the first page and look for any businesses that aren't a franchise. This is mainly because the people who own the franchise already pay a marketing fee to their corporate office and they can't sign a contract with you. Each page will have 30 results and a lot of them will have their websites listed. Right click on "Website" in the business's listing and click "Open in new tab".

3) Go through the first 30 and open as many as you can then you'll need to go through each of these and fill out their "Contact Us" forms. You'll write up a pretty basic and non specific post to send them because if you did a unique one for each website you'd be doing this for 10 hours a day lol. Put your "contact us" message into a .txt file so you can just copy/paste it into all of the "contact us" forms. A pretty good message I like to use is something along the lines of....

Hey there,

I was browsing local businesses and came across your website. I'm looking to build my company's portfolio and I give steep discounts to local businesses just like yours. And when I say "steep discounts" I mean it's around 75% off.

I looked through your website and there are a few design features that definitely need to be updated to 2017 standards and we can do that for you. We also offer extremely affordable SEO (search engine optimization) campaigns to help bring people into your business if that's something you'd also be interested in.

If you want to go through what can be done about your website, please give me a call at (insert number here). You can also contact me via email at

Thanks Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

(Insert your signature here)

Sending something along the lines of that message above has gotten me a good amount of return emails and phone calls. Some people won't even read the contact form fill out and they'll just call you to pitch their service, which is pretty ridiculous lol. I actually had one guy get mad at me because he pitched to me and then I said I wasn't interested, then I asked him if he wanted to update his website haha Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

4) Sit back and wait for the responses... not really lol. You'll need to keep hammering out those results pages and sending out as many contact us messages as possible. The more you send out, the more likely you'll get someone to sign up for your services.

The Automated Way

1) You can hire someone here to build a scraper specifically for the method above Finding local SEO or Web Design clients. Something like this is pretty easy to do, I've had it built for $40 and that was for a database that I was paying $80 a month to access. I had to have the scraper log into my account, scrape loads of details based on my criteria and then send it to an excel or .txt file.

2) Have everything set up so that you can go to and input your search. Then when you get your results you will open your scraper and click "Run". The scraper will then scrape every website URL and add it to a .txt file.

3) Look for a good contact form submitter, or have one made, and copy/paste the URL list into the submitter.

4) Add your message into the submitter and click "Run". This will now go to all of the URLs, find the "Contact Us" page, add your message and submit it. The only downside to this is if the website has a captcha it might stall out. You'll have to manually enter the captcha if it stalls in order to continue through the list. Even with this drawback, you'll speed up the process of this method 10 fold Finding local SEO or Web Design clients.

Well, that's a simple way to use YellowPages to build your local client list, and you can even expand to different states if you want ;)

Hope this helps someone sign a few more clients!

Remember to follow me




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Have a wonderful day.

Thanks for giving some important idea. There are some more ideas we can use. Like I am from Bangladesh. For getting local clients from Bangladesh I shall follow this steps.

Firstly I shall find out all classified website and will publish my service news to classified website.

Secondly I shall do local group and pages of social media community or groups and will publish my service news to social media with hashtag.

Thirdly I shall do social media bookmark or backlink where I will list all services by place name.

Fourthly I shall find out service related bl

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I was visiting a certain website when I spotted an ad about an SEO company based in my town. I clicked the ad and reached the company website. I sent a query letter and asked about the service I wanted. I received the reply the very next day. We exchanged few emails, the company sounded experienced, however, they were asking for a high amount.

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I agree that there is more trust in the heart of the client when the provider is situated locally because there is the probability of meeting him in person unlike a company or a person who is staying abroad. When my husband was tasked to scout for a web designer for their office, he always preferred to check on the companies that are situated near their business place because it is more convenient than dealing with a web designer that has an office that is miles away.

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