
Donation section to seoclerks owner suggest

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Donation section to seoclerks owner suggest

Now I think seoclerks should have a donation part on this site . The owner as done excellent job and helping others earn cash and there businesses so I think they should be rewarded for there hard work. You should had a donation page on here people like my self would donate something even if its $1 it will go towards your site .

I do think this is a brilliant idea who else agree's with me . As if it wasn't for this site we wouldn't be here right now. This site deserves more credit from us all as members.


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It might be a bad idea in general because some people may see it as the owner being greedy. Each service sold is already giving 20% of the sale to IonicWare and that's plenty to run a marvelous website like this Donation section to seoclerks owner suggest

If there was a donate button on an already successful website it may lose people because the owner could be seen as just wanting your money and not caring about what you're actually doing on his/her website.

Just a thought Donation section to seoclerks owner suggest

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Yeah true mate I didn't think of it that way , Just thought people would have a choice to show there support .

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