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You might think of other bloggers in the same niche as you as your rivals, your competitors, and that's true, they are. But that doesn't mean they have to be your enemies. And it doesn't mean that you can't use those bloggers to your own benefit either. Have you ever heard of the saying "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"? Why do you think they say that? Because it's a very smart thing to do that's why! Lol
And when it comes to blogging, trust me, you're going to need all the help you can get when you're starting out for the first time as a blogger in any niche! The only problem is for a lot of people is knowing where to get that help from and how. Well here I'm going to give you 15 solid ways to make friends and connections with bloggers in your niche that you can network with to your own blogs benefit and success.
1. Start Conversations With Them
You might be surprised but a simple conversation with someone can lead to a lot of great stuff happening! Simply starting a friendly and intesting conversation with someone can help to break the ice but more than that, it can lead to other things happening like guest posts, backlinks, mentions & shoutouts, circle sharing and networking in many different ways. So just send an email to your fellow bloggers, or add them on Facebook and start chatting to them. Find out what kind of person they are, find out what makes them tick, what their mission or agenda is. Tell them about yourself and make a connection with them. That way you never know but you might even end up with a free guest post or some other link from them.
2. Write a Blog Post About Them
Okay this is one of the most sincerest ways to get their attention. But when you write a blog post about another blog, and list things in that post why you think that blog is so awesome, (even if it's a competing blog) will almost always get you in their good books. But you want to be careful about how you word it. Don't make it look so obvious that you're doing it just so you can get in their good books as much as you're doing it just for something to write about. And do your research first! That way when they see it and read it they'll know you actually spent some time finding out about them and will appreciate that.
3. Interview Them
Well there is nothing more direct in contact than actually interviewing someone is there? You could approach your fellow bloggers in your niche and ask if they wouldn't mind interviewing them. And that you'll then publish the interview on your blog with a link to their blog. Most bloggers will jump at the chance of that since it means more exposure for them and it's free for them too. Just be sure to put your questions together first. Again, research is key here. Don't ask boring mundane questions and try to keep the interview under 10-15 minutes if possible since time is money and unless they're having a lot of fun they wont want to continue.
4. Ask Them Direct Questions
Asking your competitors questions directly can really break the ice but you have to be careful about what you ask and the way you ask it as some bloggers might think that you're fishing for information which they might not want you to know since it will help you to become a bigger and better blog than theirs. And that is what you will be doing it for. But by asking your fellow bloggers direct questions you can find ways in which you can network with that blogger which can help your own blog/site out as well. Think about questions you could ask them. Put together a list and ask if you can ask them some questions.
5. Answer Their Questions
Most bloggers in any niche will have questions they want answered. Most bloggers will spend a lot of time asking those questions to other people too. Whether it's on their own blog in their posts, on other peoples blogs, or on some forum or social media site. Follow them and check out what sort of questions they've asked in the past. Forum threads they've started that ask something and then answer it. Try to provide a thorough and informative answer that blows them away if possible. They will remember that and respect you for it!
Okay that's 5 ways for now. It's getting late here and my brain is starting to melt a little so I'll pick this up and post the rest of them tomorrow.
On top of part 2, I'll also post some very good ways in which you can actually find bloggers in your niche to actually do these things on them!
Some of them you might already know of (under your nose) but there might be a couple ways you wasn't even aware of.
If you like this post and don't want to miss part 2 of it, follow me to know when it's released (I will post update).
What ways and methods do you know and make use of to make friends and connections and network with fellow bloggers in your niche?
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