
How quickly will my pages be indexed after an SEO update?

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How quickly will my pages be indexed after an SEO update?

How many days or weeks will i need to wait after doing SEO work on my site, before my pages get indexed for the new keywords that I am optimizing for? Or, before the new pages/posts added will show up in search engines? Assuming the site is not brand new and there are other pages on site already indexed.


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That depends on how many links your site has and how well Google rates it. Also, is it an authority site?

If you have a site that is constantly crawled by Google and other search engine bots, it shouldn't take long to update. Maybe 1-4 days. If you have a site that isn't often crawled and doesn't often get new content, it will take much longer.

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Amazingly, I can find new SEOClerks FAQs in Google search (when searching for a snippet) within a few hours after it's posted. And, possibly the Googlebot never leaves the site, so it always has fresh content to index.

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Are you sure that it takes less than a week for Google to update your site’s ranking? Doing SEO work on the site will yield results longer and there is no specific period when to see the effect because it depends on the search engine’s crawlers. We have to understand that crawlers have limitations too and it cannot do the crawling to all the sites that have updates. It really takes a longer time.

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Not long if you post new content often. If you went throw a period of inactivity it may take a little longer, like a couple of days.
Be sure to ping every page after publishing, it will index faster this way.

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just Use RSS feeds and Submit to RSS Feeders for fast Indexing apart from that linklicious submit can also give benefit to you as your page is crawled once atleast using that. and don't forget to ping again and again

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This is a very refreshing discussion because I have learned a lot in terms of SEO update. For a while, I thought that it takes an indefinite period for the SEO work to take effect. But in this discussion, it seems to take only days for the keywords to be considered by Google. I have to admit that I am still confused with the SEO methods that I have been learning but I will probably catch on the entire concept soon.

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