
how to make 50 unique affiliate sales

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how to make 50 unique affiliate sales

I complete more than Completed 100 Orders.
So i want to get level 4 seller status.
Just need 50 unique affiliate sales.
What does it mean?Still i am not clear.Somebody help me plz so i can get level 4.

Thanks in advance.


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Unique affiliate sales means, numbers of first sales to each of your affiliates.
You can check more affiliate stats at:

For example:
Each of your affiliates who made one or more completed sales, count as one unique sale!

If you have 100 affiliate sales made by 2 active buyers it can result in 2 unique sales only. But to level up to Level 4 you need 50 unique sales, actually 50 active affiliate buyers.

Hope this answers your doubts how to make 50 unique affiliate sales If you need more details, just keep asking ;)

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can you please help me for it?

i am not getting level 4 cause affiliate

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Looks really hard to do, Good luck! However getting these 50 unique affiliate sales will be to your advantage, because that means that you will make money. I also don't understand whether that means that the people you introduce need to makes sales or do your buyers naturally become your affiliates and SEO clerks considers that as affiliate sales? Would be interesting to know, If you find the answer let us know.

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