
My Keywords went from 1st page of to infinite in Google

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My Keywords went from 1st page of to infinite in Google

I have lost my rankings in Google. My keywords went from 1st page to infinite. Not on the first 10 pages. What could be the reason?


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Google has marked your website blacklisted becasue of spammy contents or spammy links that you would have made.

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I think your website has got the penalty from Google. Check out in your Google webmaster tool whether you got any warning message from Google or not!

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Oh dear! Sorry for this. It must be really frustrating. How do you go from the 1st page to infinity. I agree that they have probably removed your website/blog/article. With google content is king. I know most people who face this problem have violated one or some of google's policies As someone has said its best that you find out which policy you violated and then correct it. Someone may have asked for your article to be taken down claiming its not your e.t.c. They could be many reasons.

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Maybe the suspicion of a comment above is what happened that your site was suspended or sanctioned by Google. There are so many violations that can cause a sanction to your site like stuffing your content with too many keywords and I think you should also be careful in tagging your content with keywords that are not relevant nor even related to the niche of your site or to the topic of your content.

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