
How Do You Motivate Yourself As A Freelancer?

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How Do You Motivate Yourself As A Freelancer?

I am just wondering how everyone here motivates themselves as freelancers?

Sometimes there won't always be money coming in and it takes time to build up your customer base and your reputation.

I am not a freelancer but I do work for myself so I know that at times it can be quite disheartening when I work so hard and the work I am doing does not necessarily show any immediate results or income.

Thankfully I am now starting to see some incredible results for my years worth of effort, but I wonder how many people quit along the way because it can sometimes take so long to make any money online.


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I try to set a goal, generally for something I would like to buy, or for else an amount I would like to save. I think that having something that you can aim for can help a great deal. There are going to be times when you will not earn that much, but in those cases I suggest bearing in mind that better times will come. Besides, you can always use the periods when sales are a bit low for other tasks which you may have left unattended, such as promotion, affiliates etc.

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Great point EliteWriter, I agree with you totally. There will always be times when sales are slow and there are always other tasks to be done at these times that will help in the future.

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It is actually the hardest part of being a freelancer, motivation. Not having a real job and or a boss you tend to get lazy and you fail to trust in your own strength.
This is why I don't like to be a full time freelancer, I would probably fell into unmotivation territory after a few years. I need constant activity in my life to keep up the drive.
So yes, this is how I stay motivated, I don't put my eggs into just one basket, I try a lot of different things and I keep my stress levels up, as soon as lower those stress levels, my motivation evaporates.

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Cristian thanks for sharing that, yes I know what you mean! I also need to be kept busy and on the move. If I get lazy... well I get lazy lol.

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Nice tips i motivate myself by thinking long term

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It's not always easy to make it as a writer considering some issues such as not being able to write when you want as a result of writers block and all that. But the passion to keep writing has been my motivation so far for I don't feel alright when a day passes without I writing some of my thoughts down. So, I try to get better even when things get tough on me.

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I sometimes lose my bearings when I am hit with an unfair rating. But the thought of freelancing as my occupation when I retire from my office job pushes me to go on. It is scary to think that I would be idle when I am out of job a few years from now. At least freelancing can be my occupation despite the low earnings.

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I motivate myself by only doing what I like most. I turn down projects which I'm not comfortable with and only do the ones I like. I mean do what you like most and money would follow because when you're doing what you love, you can't be bad at it right? And doing great work would eventually make you an authority in your niche.

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