
Profile Pages included links to all Profiles

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Profile Pages included links to all Profiles

On our Profiles pages it would be great if we had links to our other Profile pages on the other sites.

Eg On my SEOClerks profile page it would include links to my profiles on CodeClerks, ListingDock, PixelClerks and WordClerks

They could fit under the left hand side before Social.

Even better if they could be made to be Aff links!!!

Profile Pages included links to all Profiles


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That's an interesting idea actually..
I have never thought of this myself, and honestly speaking, I wouldn't have seen a good reason for doing this, until they merged all Ionicware marketplaces. - Now, after the so called merge, there's a whole other scenario! - Of course we should have links to our profiles for CodeClerks, ListingDock, WordClerk etc. - It makes totally sense and it would also function as advertising for the other marketplaces too at the same time. Go for it! Profile Pages included links to all Profiles

That being said.. Having these profile links as our affiliate links.. Sure, I wouldn't mind having them, but I can't really see why it would be a good option. I mean, most of the people on SEOClerks, have either got here from affiliate links or from direct advertising, and I doubt people will become members of the other marketplaces by using our profile links. But sure, I could be wrong and it wouldn't hurt! Profile Pages included links to all Profiles

Awesome suggestion!

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Yeah I love that idea of links being affiliate links. What an awesome way to get more referrals right? It would also gain much more awareness of the fact that there are lots more websites in the Ionicware network.

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