
True or False - VS. (versus) and list-like posts are ranking higher than "ordinary" content?

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True or False - VS. (versus) and list-like posts are ranking higher than "ordinary" content?

Hello there content creators & freelancers!

Let me tell you that I'm not certain of this, but from what I've heard from several, independent sources, Versus & List-like content ranks easier and better than "ordinary" content.

So, first of all, let me explain what I mean with Versus content.

Versus content (VS.) is basically two different things you compare with each other. You'll state details about them both and you'll also state the positive things about it, along with the negative things.

And when I mention "List-like" content I basically mean any content you can find online, that's been broken down into bullet points.



"Ordinary" content I've mentioned is just plain, simple text. With our without images. Much like this topic.

SO, from what I've heard, the two first mentioned ones are ranking easier and better. I don't know if it's true or not, but it would seem to be true.

What do you think? - True of False?


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Honestly Mike I am not sure if it is true or not so I will go with my gut feel. I think it will be true. Part of that is because lists are often condensed content which goes hand in hand with the discussion started by Beverly a few days ago.

A versus is also nice and specific and I have seen a lot of people using versus posts lately so there must be something in that. Perhaps I'll jump on the bandwagon.

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I think that what you say has some truth in it. I cannot say it is the best kind of content but considering that many people use the internet to look up information about what they are going to buy or choose, it is normal for them to look for an easy guide, such as a versus, or a list of pros and cons. I get lots of orders that is in this kind of format, and considering that many readers want a response or a solution quickly, without spending several minutes reading an article, I think that yes, these kinds of posts are indeed great.

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Agree. I like that you used the words "the best kind of content" instead of "higher-ranking" because hitmeasap is speaking about what people find quicker when they are searching. The statistics prove that people do like lists and versus for quick reference or quick comparisons and as such people may be more willing to search for "top 10 lists of ..." or "cappuccino versus latte".

There is a lot of information that has to be sifted through on the worldwide web and when someone creates a list that catches your eye or does a quick versus comparison, more people gravitate toward it, therefore it ranks higher and higher and higher.

When content is presented in this manner, it can either provide the person the answers they are looking for right away OR point them in the direction of doing further research to find the answers they are looking for. In essence, the lists and/or the versus contrasts and comparisons, could lead a person to "the best kind of content". True or False - VS. (versus) and list-like posts are ranking higher than "ordinary" content?

My answer is TRUE.

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What I understand with versus is the comparison of 3 things and the list-like is a list or enumeration. I don’t know how that gets a stronger notice from the search engines when they are all contents in the true sense of the word. Perhaps you have heard something that is unverified because we know that some people have the propensity to speculate and say that speculation like facts. In other words, what you heard may be a rumor.

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