
If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

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If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

Hey SEO experts, freelancers and other people If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

I have a question for you. I know it might sound a bit weird and I don't have any plans on doing this at all.. - I'm just curious to find out..

Let's say I copy an existing site. Entirely. 100%. I also use the exact keywords and everything. - And the site I copy, decides to delete all of their content and they delete their webpage in total.

Would I be able to rank, and would I get their ranking positions by doing that?

And if that works.. How long would it take to rank the site?

I have no good answer for why I ask you this, it was just something that literally "popped up" when I sat here doing other things.

So basically, if I copy an entire website and use their keywords. And they delete their website. - Will I get their rankings instead?

As some sort of "replacement" ranking or something?

Best Regards,


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Oh the strange mind of Andre is at work. I have to ditto what Mike says. That other website may have had loads of backlinks, social signals and also age on its side. Just because you have the exact same content as the other website had doesn't mean you will rank the same for it.

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Haha yeah.. Like I've said earlier Lynne.. (A few times actually), I'm not normal. I am a bit odd, strange and weird.. And I am from Sweden. - So yeah, that's all to it! If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

However, I appreciate all the replies and all the ideas, suggestions, feedbacks and answers I get. If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

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This is nothing new, to have copied contents word to word and not get banned by Google. Just have look how many news websites having exact same news every single day. Thousands... So it means that could be OK in some way, but surely it would be much better to have own unique contents

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If you copy the exact same content, design, logo, links, etc from another website you are basically a cheater! Yes, I said it, you're a CHEATER! People spend a lot of time into websites, and to just clone another website is just distasteful! Thankfully, the search engines know cloned content when they see it. Because the other site had their content first, they would most likely rank higher than the cloned, and copied website. I can not believe in this day and age people are still cloning content, and trying to make money off of it.. it's horrible that people can't come up with their own ideas.

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Haha yeah, I understand what you mean Everett. I didn't mean it like that.

What I was trying to get an answer for, was basically if the cloned website would get the same ranking, if the original website deleted their content etc.

For instance, if Jordan decides to close & delete SEOClerks. I know SEOClerks ranks for several things. So before he deletes it, I copy the entire content. (With or without his knowledge. That's not important right now).

Would I get SEOClerks rankings, like a "replacement" thing, if I launched my "cloned" website?

But I've already got the answer by know, so it's okay If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site.. - I just thought I'd clarify what I meant. If I copy the EXACT content from an existing site..

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You copy the content from a website and publish on your website. Now the website where contents are originally published decides to delete the entire content. Then the articles only exist on your website. Your article is free from duplicate issues.
However, this is not true. Even if the contents are deleted, they exist in the cached version of Google. Google will not delete these pages for months. Therefore, original version of the articles are still available.
Furthermore, if the original owner deletes from one site, he may also publish the articles on another site and this will again create duplicacy. Then the owner may even file DMCA.

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I am guessing that when the old site is deleted, it is still registered in the search engines and your copied site will appear illegal and will surely affect the ranking if it is ranked at all. But I think there is a duration when the deleted website will completely be erased in the records of the search engines. When that time comes then your copied site will shoot up with its rankings. Just my thoughts, I have no factual basis with my opinion.

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