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Hello all. Can anyone recommend a tool to me (whether online or software) that is able to show me what the most popular (most liked) posts on a Facebook page are?
I know SocialBreakers has this option but they only have a 14 day trial which is limited and wont go back to their very first posts. Also the pricing is quite high as well and seems overkill for what I need!
Does anyone know of any such free tools (online or software) or otherwise, that you're able to do this with? Something that you can put a FB page URL into and it then crawls that page and then counts how many likes, shares, comments etc each post has and then returns all the posts and their likes etc in table format?
Or is it just a case of having to do it all manually? The thing is with that option is that some pages literally have hundreds of posts that go back months, years even.
So to do that manually would take many many man hours and I don't have the time to do that. I guess I could get someone to do it for me but that could be quite pricey too for pages that have many many posts and it takes them a long time.
Plus there's a trust factor as well. You'd have to trust the results they tell you were right.
Anyway I hope you know what I'm on about!
Do you know of anything like that which can do that?
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www.postsonfire.com ... Best tool ever for webmasters. How find most popular posts? www.postsonfire.com ... Best tool ever for webmasters.
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