
11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

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11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Throughout the month I get asked at least 5 times how I optimize my LinkedIn profile to bring in people who are looking for what I sell. Having a background in search engine optimization and online marketing made it easier for me to figure out how to optimize my profile compared to someone who is not in my field. I'm sure that most of use can look up how to do this, but you'd be amazed at how often it gets overlooked and the person profile suffers.

So for everyone here, I've got 10+ basic tips on how to optimize your profile on LinkedIn 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 1: Add a keyword/title to your name. Some people don't like this because it's not your actual name, but I've noticed a lot more inquiries after I have done this simply because people will see my name in groups and click through to contact me 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile For me I have it set as "(Name) , SEO Specialist" obviously "Name" is my actual name and not a placeholder like that 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 2: Make sure your headline is catchy. This is the first thing people see after they read your name. If you make it catchy and have a keyword in there, you'll have a better chance of popping up within the search results.

  • Tip 3: Be sure to add the industry you work in just below your headline. This will give people an exact idea of what you do.

  • Tip 4: CONNECTIONS!!!!! Now this will take some time, but it's worth it. Once you get to 500+ connections it won't show anymore. If you can get to 500 it will show you're "popular" and it will help convince people contact you. This isn't so much an optimization trick or tip, but it falls into the marketing aspect and that's what I like 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 5: Publish some posts on your profile. This is LinkedIns way of letting it's users blog about what they want. Before there was a select group who were allowed to do this, but it has been opened up to everyone, so take advantage of it 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile This will help you get followers and increase your readers/sales/subscribers.

  • Tip 6: Get a little detailed with your background details. Be sure to write it like an optimized article, but don't put 1,000 words in there. Make it short and sweet but detailed and optimized. It sounds like a tough task, but you can do it 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 7: Add all of your experience. Get into details and link to pages people can read. People like links and they WILL click through to read if they are interested.

  • Tip 8: ReOrder your skills so that the top ones, your main skills, show up at the top. This will show people exactly what you can do and will help close a sale before they even contact you ;)

  • Tip 9: Join relevant groups so that they show on your profile. This will show people that you are actually interested in what you do, and not just claiming to be into it. This will also help in the search results because you can show up as in the same group as someone when they're looking for someone like you 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 10: Volunteer work is pretty crucial. Not everyone can add something here, but if you can, make sure it's in there lol. Volunteer work can be seen just as high as work experience. The only difference is that you give away your time for free and that's seen as helping others with you not wanting anything in return. In general it shows you're a good person 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

  • Tip 11: Get specific about your education because it will help you with certain search features within LinkedIn. You can even do some deep research and figure out the biggest schools around the country so that you can add those and be linked to everyone who went to those schools 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Some tricks you can use:
  • Add multiple jobs and keyword stuff the descriptions with whatever you want to rank for in the LinkedIn search results. LinkedIn does not penalize people for keyword stuffing because their algorithm is actually pretty basic.
  • Add a profile picture because you can actually get 15x the profile views than a profile without one.
  • Adding numerous skills will increase your profile views by roughly 13x what it would be without any skills.
  • Adding your previous education will get your around 10x more views on your profile compared to those who don't.
  • Joining groups and being active in them can get you 5x the profile views than if you have an inactive profile.

Remember to follow me 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile




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Thanks Razzy, I have been wondering about LinkedIn and how I can use it to promote my mommy blog more so this is helpful. So I can say Lynne Huysamen Mommy Blogger as my name?

I just wonder if a mommy blog is the kind of business that gets noticed on LinkedIn? It seems like I would be better off saying I am an SEO freelancer, it just has a more professional sound to it. It isn't exactly being dishonest since I do some freelance services here but I suppose it isn't correct.

What are your thoughts on SEO'ing my profile as a mommy blogger? I can't really see how I would get a massive amount of business on LinkedIn unless perhaps I contact big companies that are mommy/ baby/ family related and send them through to my services for guest blog posts or sponsored posts to help reach the right audience?

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I would suggest doing "Lynne Huysamen, Professional Blogger" because it seems, well, more professional 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile Be sure to add a comma right after your name so it separates your name and the keyword.

There are loads of women on LinkedIn so it might actually be better to use "Lynne Huysamen, Mommy Blogger" as your name. But you'll only know what works best if you're split testing 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile I would suggest that you run one of the names/keywords for a month and then switch it up. You'll be able to gauge the success of the name/keyword based on your profile views, connection requests and messages. If you're building connections manually, you'll obviously have more messages and profile views, so you'll have to consistently be building connections while you're doing your testing in order to get an accurate reading on which is working better.

What are your thoughts on SEO'ing my profile as a mommy blogger? I can't really see how I would get a massive amount of business on LinkedIn unless perhaps I contact big companies that are mommy/ baby/ family related and send them through to my services for guest blog posts or sponsored posts to help reach the right audience?

Well you'll never really know until you try it out 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile There are loads of people on LinkedIn and a lot of them are the decision makers in the company. So if you get noticed by a big corporations looking to get a blogger in the "Mommy" field, you could show up and be their first choice since you have a load of experience doing it 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

A good example, that doesn't really relate, that involves a big time decision maker is when I was looking for a new wireless gaming headset and I messaged the CEO of Logitech and he was talking to me about the G933's they sell lol 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile You can use LinkedIn to get past the gatekeepers, and if you target your connections just right, you'll be able to get them hooked 11 Tips, and some tricks, on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile

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I'm on board with everything you mentioned above and I actually had some nice success the last couple of months by updating my LinkedIn profile to the fullest extent possible.

But getting the keyword inside my own name is a little bit too much in my opinion. I want my name to reflect me as my own personal brand, I don't want it to be associated with anything else.

For example: if you are selling Women Shoes and your name is John how would you name on your LinkedIn profile would turn out to be? Women Shoes John?

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I have been reading so many posts about the catchy headline which goes to show that it is really important. And that’s the problem with me because I can say that I can write well but my weakness is in thinking of a good title and a catchy headline. In times that I was thinking of a title or headline, it is better for me to consult people. That way, I get a pretty good title for my blog or a catchy headline and it saves me from getting a headache. And with your profile, the first step is the catchy headline.

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