
Don't be like this. Ever! - The second time I puke at WF.

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Don't be like this. Ever! - The second time I puke at WF.

Hey guys,
A few days back, (About a week ago), I published a topic that I called:
"DON'T claim to know something if you DON'T know it! - Don't be this guy!"

Even though I didn't want to mention the actual name of the forum, it didn't take long for people to notice this.

What I didn't like about that, was actually the topic creator's signature link along with his questions. I just can't believe such things.. However, this time, it's not about the topic creator. It's actually about the replies this guy gets..

The topic is about CTA (Call To Action), and this guy does a very good job when he explain things from his perspective. He's adding value and I enjoyed reading the article.

That being said, here's the replies he got. The first TWO he got.


This guy did his best to contribute and share his knowledge.. Sure, this guy is from Romania, so he's not native in English. But neither am I.

If people replied like this if I wrote something.. I can't even imagine what I'd do.

One thing is certain though. I would never give away my knowledge free of charge again after that. - This is disgusting behavior in my opinion.

English is not my first language. It's my second. What does that have to do with anything?

This guy, the guy from Romania. The one who've made this topic. He wrote an entire article of 608 words in total.. In his second language..

And this is what he gets? - SHAME ON YOU WF.

And ... Even though I truly think that this is horrible. Did you notice something else in the screenshot? - "Kay King". - A very reputable WF member said "thank you" for something shitty like that.

What the hell is wrong with people?

Best Regards,


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Yeah, WarriorForum is plagued with people who want to flame or troll others for just trying to help out. I've posted this before, and I'll say it again, WF is full of "Gurus" and people claiming they know what they're doing (but they don't).

The only reason I will go on WarriorForum is to advertise a new service or website that we're trying to launch. Warrior Forum does have a good amount of traffic, and that's they only thing GOOD about it.

I've been on there a few times and posted some high quality information. But since I wasn't a super well known person with a huge following, I was flamed and trolled. I was even told that I just copied my content from somewhere and pasted it into WF to sound like I knew what I was doing Don And as all of you here know, I do know what I'm talking about lol.

People around the world just want to bring others down with them and the easiest way to do it is to insult others online. They'll even insult if the person tried their best, like what you've shown us. It's like they go there to vent and not in a good way. They'll see someone trying to post something, even if it's not with perfect grammar, and they'll attempt to rip apart the OP. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me Don

The worst thing about this is that people will see others flaming the OP and they will join in. There's a pack mentality and they will stick with it because they are afraid to voice their own opinions. And no one will go against a person with 1,000+ posts because they will be turned on by the masses. The person with 1,000+ posts has "Authority" on WF even though they aren't a staff member. So people want to be friends with the authority person and they will follow their lead. That person should be ashamed of themselves and instead of pointing out that they think the users first language is not English, they should say something like "This is a pretty awesome strategy! Thank you for writing it in English so the majority of us can understand it".

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Oh yes. This can be very annoying and stressful, specially for those who really try hard to share their knowledge FREE and you have feeling that they are not native English speaking (Like me too) but trying their best to be as clear as possible.Sad and frustrating too, to see some folks commenting like that and killing his efforts...

That's actually one of the reasons i like this community discussions and our previous forum here at Seoclerks, because we are really international and mostly having understanding for peoples difficulties with speaking other language then their own.

Actually sometime you have feeling if someone is playing dumb and don't want to learn better then few words of English, which could be annoying too, like i was posting in our old forum long ago in thread: FUNNY: Expert in job... Don I don't like to call out people for this, but there is sometime really reason to make them think so they could improve their international business to international standards or at list it's minimums...

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Andre I have seen so many cases of trolling and appalling behavior online. I remember once seeing someone new to our area posting a question in a Facebook group for locals in our area. She asked something really simple, I think it was where she can buy a really nice quality comforter in the area. She had only been here for two weeks so obviously she doesn't know all the shops. A few people came and ripped her to shreds and got sarcastic with her. What happened to welcoming a person into the area and recommending some good places to shop?

Trolling and being ugly online is not something I like, I actually get very upset when I see it. I agree with you, if someone has taken a lot of effort to write something helpful and useful in another language and there are a few grammar mistakes I see nothing wrong with that.

I can only speak for myself but I am only fluent in one language, English. Yes I can communicate in Afrikaans too, but my grammar and word order are appalling. I take my hat off to anyone that works in another language.

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I don't have time for trolls or even create room for their folly even on social media I totally ignore them.

people like that would always be around the best bet is to totally ignore them and watch them fade to oblivion.

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This is just awful i cant believe people would be this rude. I know that im not perfect and i have my moments but when someone is trying to help you don't insult them. I wonder if any actions will be taken or at least a warning given to these rude awful people. I usually want to check out sites that i never heard of but i would never go somewhere that allows user to abuse each other in this way. I have trouble writing in English and its my first language for someone to be able to write hundreds of words in another language is amazing and i applaud anyone who can do this.

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It is a pity that there are so many people who decide to be so cruel. I cannot imagine what would cross one's mind when getting such comments, and they are indeed not to be allowed because when you see so many of them it really feels as if there is a critical need for a moderator!

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Haha WF has been like that every since I first landed there like 6-7 years ago. I had about three attempts to join the community there but got bullied every time for the most trivial stuff...

Yeah, so why would you want to join a community that clearly doesn't welcome new members? Everyone there is an "expert" at pretty much everything but I doubt how many of them are actually making good money online, most of them are mediocre writers selling ebooks that promise stuff that they themselves are unable of doing.

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It is not really nice that some forum members will get to troll some writers for taking their time out to make articles and posts that are beneficial to everyone on the forum. I mean in as much as the English might have some issues, it does not call for an outright trolling and lack of appreciation from the other members of the forum.

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Oh well, a forum is a place for opinion and most forums welcome the English that you and afford. For those inappropriate comments, maybe those people did not read the entire post. But whatever their comments are, it’s better to give them respect because I still value their effort to comment. I know of so many people in the social media that reads my posts but never posted a comment, worse they don’t even click on the like. But when we meet, they will mention about some of my posts in admittance that they not only have read them but were even amused. But no effort huh. Again, I value the comment as long as it does not step on the line of decency.

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