
Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience.

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Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience.

Loads of people put up websites in hopes of making it rich online, but a lot of those people forget one simple thing. They don't make their site multilingual or translatable for their visitors.

Giving your users the option of converting your text into their native language will not only help your bounce rate but it will increase your sales exponentially. Your bounce rate will see some love because the amount of people coming to your website will not leave as quickly if your text has the option of switching to their own language. They don't leave right away because they can actually read what is written on you pages Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience.

You can increase your sales exponentially if you have content that converts to the users language because they can read your content. Let's say you have 1,000 people come to your website, they all probably won't be able to read what your website says, so if you have an option in the header/top menu that allows them to manually convert the text, they will treat you well by opening their wallets and hitting that "Buy Now" button Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience.

If you want to get really tricky, you can have a script programmed that recognizes the users IP address and alters the text to show the proper language Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience. You can see this happen when you are using a VPN and setting your IP to be from a different country, preferably one that does not speak English, and then go do a basic search on Google. The results will be based off of that type of language until you do another search in English. There are actually a lot of websites that have something like this programmed and you could probably find a pre written script that will allow your website to do the same. I don't think this would be expensive because it would basically be a script to recognize your IP and switch to specific files in your language files so that showed and not the standard English (or whatever you have it set to Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience. )

In the end, having your system recognize the IP of the user and switch the language or giving users the option to switch it manually will increase your sales Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience. It probably won't double or triple your sales, but you'll get a few more in the long run Why creating a multilingual website is best for your audience.

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This is interesting Razzy and something I was wondering about when I have come across it before on some websites. I just wonder though how well the translated text reads? Is this like somehow programming Google translate into your website or how does it work exactly?

I've never tried this myself since most websites I have visited are English which is really nifty since I am English.

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From an SEO point of view I hate multilingual websites!

And let me explain why! Let's say my website haves a .com domain, sure this is an international domain and you can have multiple languages in that same domain by having: .com/en/ .com/ru/ .com/fr/ or whatever. The problems is Google doesn't really rank well such websites. Even if you implement proper ahreflang tags you won't rank as well on with you French content like you could rank if you had a .fr domain in the first place.

I'm all for giving people the option to change the language, but if you want to rank for another country have separate domains and just redirect the user once he selects the right flag.

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I am thinking to set up a multilingual news website. The target audience for this website is the local people who use Nepali language. However, for a Nepali language website I cannot use adsense. Therefore, I will also have an English version of this website and will be using adsense. By having two languages on the website, I will be able to cater to the local audience as well as the global audience.

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I don’t disagree with the subject of this discussion because I know that the internet is universal and we don’t really know what language the user knows when the site is accessed. But I have noticed in Facebook that my post in English gets a fairly good number than my post in our local language. That means English is universal and it can be understood by the majority of users so maybe a multi-lingual website will just create chaos on the web pages.

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