
Can you make a successful website if you don't create any content yourself?

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Can you make a successful website if you don't create any content yourself?

I've been going over a few ideas on how to make a massive authority website without doing much of the content generation myself. It sounds pretty crazy, but it can be done, it just takes a lot of dedicated writers behind your website publishing new content all the time.

At first it will be pretty slow, you'll probably have 1 or 2 writers doing some work here and there and you'll have to do a lot of the initial content generation to get new pages up and running. I don't have a problem with that because I can type pretty quick and don't mind hammering out a few pages an hour that have a ton of content and are very detailed. But some people may not have the writing skills to do what I can, so how could they get the content generated?

If you can't write well yourself, or you simply don't have the time to do it, you can hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do it for you. Sometimes this can be like $5 a day up to $100 a day, it just depends on who you're hiring. I've actually found a few good writers, for cheap, here on SeoClerks who do work for me each month and I plan on keeping that going for a while so I don't have to worry about the content generation. Now I have these guys and girls doing more than just website content, but you don't have to if you don't want.

The trick to pulling in free writers is to offer them something in return, even if you're giving them a perk on your website that they like. I've seen some people offer free dofollow links in the author section of each post and this entices a lot of people to come in and post content for free. They do so because they can link back to their own website and get a boost in SEO and possibly pull some traffic from your website.

One thing I was thinking of is having a reward system for people who write in depth articles, tutorials, how to's, or guides on a subject and they will be rewarded with advertising impressions. Basically they will get X,XXX impressions per 1,000+ word high quality article. You would obviously have to monitor the submissions to make sure people aren't abusing your system, but this could work out well in the long run Can you make a successful website if you don

What do you guys and girls think? What would you do to generate loads of content for free?

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I believe it can be done, the only problem I see in all of this is budget, you need to have money you are ready to lose to do all f this. Because that website won't earn right from the start, it would be like a black hole, sucking in money and giving nothing in return, it MAY produce some earnings from you at one point but you won't know exactly that will be or if it will happen at all. It's sort of a risk in my opinion and that's what scares me.

For a high authority websites I believe you must learn to write yourself, put on the ground work and then right after you start earning from the site, you can invest in quality writers, re-invest all the profit back into the site until it becomes an authority website.

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I once wanted to launch a content site on lingerie niche. However, I had never written in this niche. Therefore, I hired a writer to write contents for the website. She wrote 25 articles for $3. By spending $75 I had a good amount of articles for my website. I published these articles every week. If you check freelancing sites, you can find good writers willing to write for as little as $1. You don't need big budget for developing contents

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Yes I can make successful website if i don't create web contests our self. but important factor is we need contents its through professional contents writer. Every content writer is not provide genuine contents, some writer used copy paste work and some duplicate plagarism contents, so this types of contents never help to grow website ranking.

We need fully original seo optimized web contents whos help to increase ranking. Our opinion if contents keyword is medium or low competition then its will be help to increase rank fastly.

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Actually, you don't need to create contents yourself, you can hire a writer to develop contents. If your website is a company/business website you can invite someone to develop contents around your company/business. If your website is a blog or resource site, you can hire a writer to write for you. You can even make your site user generated website. Today Hubpages is one of the biggest niche content site, however, the owner Paul Edmunson does not create content, the users do.
Mark Zuckerberg does not create contents for facebook, the users do.

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Most website owners that I know don’t write their own contents. And if it happens to you, don’t fret because you can hire people to make contents for your website. If it is a blog, get some guest posters or even a co-blogger who will regularly submit new contents for uploading to your blog. If it’s an e-magazine then hire regular writers that will fill your home page with the links to a weekly update. Content is king but you don’t need to write it yourself especially if you have to budget to pay people to do it for you.

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If you have the money then you can do many things and building a website is not a problem. In terms of content, you can easily outsource your content or hire a full-time ghostwriter to write all of your content.

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