
Manual link building VS automated link building ?

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Manual link building VS automated link building ?

Manual link building VS automated link building? Which one do you prefer?


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If you know what are you doing when it comes to automated link building, I'd say probably both of them.

I prefer manual link building, you get way less backlinks but they are usually higher in quality compared with automated backlinks.

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If what they say is true that a backlink can be bad when it is posted on a weak site then there is a risk when your link building is automated unless there is a specific function on where to post the links. If you have the time then I guess the best way to build your backlinks is the manual way for you can select the site and you probably know the good sites where to post your backlinks.

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All software made by human so I believe that manual link building is better than automated.

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I will always prefer manual link building

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Go for manual always......... it can be safe.... and always comment to post

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well manual is safe but automated is faster..

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I think software should help you build links not make them for you.

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Based on the comments above, it is better to use manual link building than automated link building for purposes of quality. I had read in one discussion that if you have excessive backlinks in low quality websites then you may be violating a Google policy. And the advice is to choose the website where you post your backlink. Quality backlinks are posted on popular website which gets a lot of traffic.

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