
How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks Tutorial

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How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks

Hi all like the title says, How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks. I guess this could be posted in the Social Media category. But it's not just about social media sites but about link building on high authority Web 2.0 and Social Media sites and Forums also so in the Backlink Building category it is!

So earlier on Lynne posted about Aged social media accounts – do they have more clout? In that I touched on building powerful backlinks on social media sites in such a way to make them really powerful pages. Well here I want to expand on that a bit more and talk about how to actually build very powerful, high PR, high authority backlinks on the best most highest authority, social media sites, web 2.0 blogs and forums.

Not all backlinks are created equal. But all backlinks start off on their own. You create a page on some website and you create a backlink on it that links to your site. Great! That can improve your rankings but not as much as it would if that was a very powerful backlink. So how do you make a regular backlink, a very powerful backlink?

Link Juice + Internal Links + Orphan Pages

Although Google doesn't publicly display it anymore, they still use PageRank as a way of ranking a website in the SERPs, PageRank is a measure of how many links a site has. And that same PageRank is passed on through to your site via your backlink. Although no follow links aren't crawled and no juice is passed, they are still counted but do follow links do pass that same link juice (PageRank) through that link to your site. Obviously the page your link is on isn't going have a PageRank 9. The homepage might but your backlink will likely be on an internal page that has a PageRank 0. So not much juice is going to be passed through that link and that page is going to be an "Orphan Page" on that site and on the Internet. Orphan pages look lifeless and don't really get indexed by Google. That's not good for your backlink as you want your backlink to be a page that has a much juice pouring into it as possible from that same site. Let alone your credibility! That's not always possible for some backlinks, all you can do is build external backlinks to the page your backlink is on.

And take links you create on high authority social media sites. You can create a FB page or a Google+ page or a Tumblr blog or something. Great! You can add great content to it and build tier 2 or tier 3 links to it great! But it will be a new page, blog or profile and wont have many internal links pointing into it from the same site. So it will just be an orphan page. And orphan pages, although they mature in time. Aren't anywhere near as powerful as pages and profiles that have insane amounts of internal links pointing to them. That can not only increase the PageRank of that page/profile itself since all those internal links will be crawled by Google that was crawling the the other page where your page link appeared. Still with me and see where this is going?

The trick to creating insanely powerful backlinks on high authority, social media, web 2.0 blogs and forums, is to create internal links to those pages or profiles using the site itself. Each site differs on how you can do this. But if you just start interacting you can usually work out how for each site pretty easily. And in several different ways. The trick is just to find ways to create those internal links to your page or profile on those sites. You want to do this anyway if you want people to know you exist! I'm talking about posting on other peoples pages/profiles and web 2.0 blogs. That way you're building awareness about yourself, getting other peoples circles to see you and building links to your page/profile or blog and building traffic to it at the same time that's just a no brainer!

Orphan pages suck because Google doesn't value them very high. It looks at them and thinks that because it doesn't have any internal links pointing to it it's probably not very valuable so doesn't rank it very high in the SERPs. Sure you can build backlinks to it to help it rank higher in the SERPs but that can be expensive and take much longer. This is a much better and much more effective way of making those pages/profiles etc much more valuable in the eyes of Google.

How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks
Image Source: Orphan Page.

And since the site is designed so that you can interact with it. And each have many ways of doing it, such as commenting on peoples stuff, liking things, following them etc so that your profile link appears on their profile under their followers list.

There is a certain trick to doing it with each site although it's deadly simple and is just about interacting with those sites and creating those internal links to your page/profile etc and making sure that they're not orphan pages but are very powerful pages that have a lot of link juicing going into it from all those internal links.

You can create a shed load of internal links to your page or profile on and from that site. You just have to work out what the ways of doing it for each site are. How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks

And that is basically how you create insanely powerful backlinks on social media sites, web 2.0 blogs, social networking pages and profiles etc.

Do you do this on your own social media pages and profiles etc?

I hope you like this and find it useful. In the next part of this discussion I'm going to share how to do the exact thing I'm talking about starting with Tumblr and other sites like it and then talking about how to do it on other sites like forums too.

By the end of it all, you will know how to create insanely powerful high authority backlinks on the Internet that link to YOUR website! How to Build Insanely Powerful High PR High Authority Web 2.0 Social Media Backlinks

Thanks for reading and give this a thumbs up if you liked it.




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OK Mike I can see that what you have shared here is excellent stuff but I haven't had close to enough sleep this whole week so I am fuzzy on the process.

Ok so you know my businesses right? How would I apply this process my mommy blog, my online marketing blog and my addiction blog?

All my websites and social networks are building up in strength over time but I would love to know any tips and tricks to beef up my work, so yes insanely powerful, high PR, high authority links looks kinda appealing to me...but I have missed something here!

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Great post its a shame Lazy ass stoner JAY isn't on seoclerks I would defo be getting is services lol he is well good and so are you mike top work and a lot to take on board all the information which is valuable I will take not of this . I do know most of Jay's work as been following him on YouTube its just weird how he as disappeared hope he makes a come back.

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Thanks for the lessons on link juices, internal linking and orphan pages. Having more followers on your social media accounts means there are more links pointing to your page. THis helps in establishing the authority of you account. Just you have a social media accounts and you share links does not mean you are successful with your social media promotion campaign. If someone likes your page or your post, you are getting pointed by another person and this adds value to your social media promotion.

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You keep mentioning web 2.0 blogs. Maybe others understand what you're referring to but I did not. So I have looked up an informational link and am sharing it in case there are others who don't know either.

{Updated 2018} Top Best Free List of High Authority Web 2.0 Sites

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It looks like social media is getting to flex its muscles in the internet. Search engines don’t mind social media before but now there is the so called social signals that indicate a note from search engines. If you have noticed the live streaming in Facebook I guess that will also get noticed by search engines that later on it will be included in the list of social signals that can earn your site a backlink.

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