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Freelancers, authors and content writers I have a simple yet important question for you.
Do you ever get nervous when you're writing content, article or not, to an article or content writer?
We all know it, bloggers and article writers often hire other writers to write articles for them. Often due to the lack of time or that they're literally exhausted due to all the content they've been producing.
But to you think the hired writers get nervous when they're hired to writer for article or content writers?
For instance, a social media provider wouldn't be nervous even if they delivered social media services to another provider of such services, as these things are more or less the same quality etc. However, articles can be written in hundreds of different ways and all of them are unique and will be written differently depending on the writer.
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No matter how many times I code something for someone I always get nervous, thinking that I am inferior or something, and it should not be like that. I think we all go through this type of situation, and i think we should sit back, breathe, and work! I do not think I have experienced this before, however I have experienced writing PHP code for a PHP developer. That was nerve wracking, and I kept thinking about how they would negatively criticize me for my code. But in the end, they never said anything negative, and apparently my code was "beautiful". I think they said that because the code was neat, and easily readable unlike some programmers who put code everywhere and it's an utter mess! No matter how many times I code something for someone I always get nervous, thinking that I am inferior or something, and it should not be like that. I think we all go through this type of situation, and i think we should sit back, breathe, and work!
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