
What does Response time N/A mean?

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What does Response time N/A mean?

I just noticed that on my profile it says my Response time is: N/A.

What does Response time N/A mean?

That my response time is not applicable?

Anyone else have an NA Response time?


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Hey Mike,
Your response time says "2 hours" right now, and I have 21 minutes. So I can see both of them. However, I noticed this a few days ago, that my response time said "N/A", which I believe is not available, why it wasn't available is hard to tell but I suppose it's just some minor glitch or some sort of overload that makes it impossible to calculate or to show the response time at some few occasions. - Hopefully this isn't something major and hopefully it will be fixed shortly before anything goes downhill.

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Good morning Mike. Yes n/a stands for not applicable but don't worry, I also checked your profile and from my side it all looks good with a 2 hour response time! Maybe there was just a little glitch?

What does Response time N/A mean?

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It is just a lapse thing now that straightens out real soon! I saw that yesterday and realized I had not answered someone in 7 days and thought o no there goes my ranking level then it cleared up lol!

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It is 2hours now on your profile. Maybe it was a glitch at the time.

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Usually, only new users get response time N/A or users that haven't sold any services yet so there is no data about how fast they respond to buyers.
On the other hand, you have a response time of 2 hours which is extremely cool Mike, how did you manage to get such a good score. Do you have an email alert on your phone or something? I would imagine you will need to wake up in the middle of the night to maintain such a response time.
I have a response time of 6 hours and this is pretty much the best I can do.

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Response time N/A means that the site is down. This can be due to a problem with the site's configuration or it may be temporarily unavailable for maintenance or other reasons. Explore to get decoration tips. It means that there is no response from this website at this time. This can be caused by an error in the client, or if the server is not responding to requests.

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