
Importance of images you use in your blog posts and social media shares

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Importance of images you use in your blog posts and social media shares

Many of us know value of images we using in blog posts and in our social media shares, but i also noticed that a lot of people missing that important part and missing a lot of interaction from their social friends and blog visitors.

On this community discussions we already talked about optimizing images for search engines and similar topics regarding images like naming image files, adding right ALT tags and so on.

But there is one more catch! Size and look of the image!

We already heard that "Photo can spoke 1000 words" so keep it in mind! Image looking and size is important if you want to draw people's eyeballs in order to visit your post or interact with likes, shares and comments!

I already said the importance of adding images to tweets, but there is also studies about shares on Google +, Pinterest, Facebook and other social networks where every study show same result, nicer image and right size draw more attention, interactions and traffic. True that image in your post can look different while shared on different social media networks, but there is option to add "custom image" on most medias, so don't be lazy to do so. Perhaps, taller image on Google Plus, would draw more attention and interactions can be boosted by 100 to 1000%!

Importance of images you use in your blog posts and social media shares
See, how the same post with different and larger custom image made a lot more interactions from his followers!!!

Hope this will help you to get more traffic and interactions on social media...


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Its a known fact that people respond more to media rather than just words. You have brought up a really good point. People with videos or pictures showing the product or further explaining a service will have a better time converting sales. Thank you for showing us the difference im sure myself and other people will be able to benefit from this tip.

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Hi Abid. I love this post,yes there is optimizing your images for SEO by naming the file name correctly and also adding keywords into your alt tags but adding nice looking images that are very shareable is also really important.

If you add a number of really good images to your posts you can add those to Pinterest too, which could bring in some really nice traffic, especially if you use nice infographics.

I've also noticed that image size for social shares plays a huge role! The nicer the image the more shares and clicks, every single time!

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Oh yes, infographics can be very good on your blog post, and if not too tall, maybe good on social media shares too!

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The image serves two purposes.
When you use images in your post, it will enlighten your article. The visitors may not read your entire article, but if you use a high-quality image, he will take a moment to see the image. If you have an image gallery, the visitors will remain longer on your site.
SEO: Image also helps in your SEO strategy. If you optimize your images, they will be found during the image search and each image will link to your webpages.

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Definitely, images enhance the contents of your website whether it’s a blog or not. And images should be well crafted with the size and resolution. Of course, the resolution cannot be too thick for it becomes heavy that will affect the access of the webpage which means the images should be optimized. And optimized means not large but not small either and the resolution is not too thick and not too thin either.

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