
Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings

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Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings

Hello everyone.
I decided to share my little story how i make more money out of Seoclerks earnings, so it may give you some idea to do same or similar thing, to boost your income.
Most of us have to offer cheap services to run business within competition, so i had to find way to make more money, to have enough for leaving. So this is what i do...

Couple months ago i find out that silver jewelry is very popular in my country, and woman loweeee jewelry Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings I looked around some prices and some idea quickly popped up my mind. There is a way to make money with it. Nice rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches... Selling around from $10 to $50. Not too expensive for many of those who love it...

After i checked prices on eBay on same or very similar products. Hmmmm there is room to make nice profit, i thought. Rings which sells for $30-$40 could be bought on eBay from $3 to $7 WOW.... How good is that?

So i tried. Use my Seoclerks income to transfer to PayPal. Use that money to buy nice, eye catchy jewelry on ebay (mostly with free delivery), then sell it locally to friends, friends of friends and so on. Nice profit!
It doesn't sell so much, but every buck is welcome, and making $20-$30 profit on one easy sale looks awesome to me.

You may try something similar! Just look around you ;) Good luck.


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anwebservices. This is awesome! - I love the way you think. This is what freelancing is all about. To think outside the box.

Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings

In all honesty, I've never done this with jewelry. Mostly because I don't know anything about jewelry, or that I don't feel that I know enough about it at least. However, it's still a great way to expand your business and to tap into new corners in the freelancing world. - Multiple income streams are awesome!

With Ionicware's different marketplaces I can totally see why and how things like this will be easier for all of us in the nearest future. Just imagine doing this on ListingDock when LD takes off as good as SEOClerks. - Just imagine doing something like this on PixelClerks with infographics or T-shirts. T-shirts would be awesome! - Launch a nifty T-spree (or anything similar) campaign, advertise like you normally would and wait for sales. In the same time, provide T-shirts on both LD and PixelClerks.. - Talk about multiple income sources.

And that's what it's all about in the end game. - Multiple income streams. Which is why most people would sell not only 1 service on SEOClerks for instance. They provide multiple services to attract several buyers. Which in the long run gives them a higher chance of making sales. - Awesome idea anweb. I hope you're very successful! - Thanks for sharing.

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Well i didn't know much about jewelry trends, so i asked my girlfriend to help me and tell me what kind of things are popular at the moment, what color, what stones, sizes etc... So she helped me a lot and i rewarded her with some veryyyy nice jewelry sets Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings

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That sounds like an excellent way to make a bit of extra income. Have you tried to also list it on some websites to increase your sales? Like maybe listing the products on ListingDock? Or even Gumtree? Although Gumtree you only get to place an ad and ListingDock you can actually use to make the transaction and all the sales stuff and payment is done for you which is cool.

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Well i didn't list it anywhere. ListingDock is for handmade jewelry, while on gumtree and other classified ads websites people already know about buying on eBay too and know they can buy it cheaper, so i sell locally only ;)

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Oh ok, but I think you can sell locally on ListingDock too, there is an option there to set your country, so you could maybe check it out Earn more money from Seoclerks earnings

I love that you share ideas on how to make more money from the money you make. I am so with you that if you make money you should reinvest it in some way to make even more money, whether you put it into promoting your SeoClerks services or buy jewelery to sell locally.

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Jewelry is a huge business, I recently got a client that manufactures handmade jewelry out of clay and porcelain it's really hard competing with big manufacturers that sell the same jewelry or even better-looking items at half the price. Ebay is a great place to buy them from but I think the Asian marketplaces like are way more cheaper when buying in bulk and you can turn a lot more profit around!

Also, try selling jeweler on professional marketplaces like or Etsy.

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You have a good business sense. Initially, I would have believed that most women knows about ebay and other online shopping sites but I realized that they can get expensive, or most of the times impossible, if they're simply going to buy one or two pieces for themselves. I know that sellers impose minimum shipping order quantity. If they ever agree to ship below the required quantity, the shipping fees would have defeated the savings from buying the jewelry pieces at cheap prices. But if you buy them in bulk you can even afford to give them discounts to entice them to buy. That's stretching your income to make it work for you.

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I actually love, love this story. This is a true example of freelancing at work. I like the fact that you are making your money work for you. So the money you have earned from SEO you are earning even more by buying your rings and reselling them. This is true entrepreneurship in my opinion. You have given some of us ideas. I wonder how easy it is to ship things from E-bay, because that is what brings the cost of goods up. Great idea.

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