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Dear Freelancers,
I need to stop. And so do you!
Most of us are working 12 hours per day without a decent lunch break. Without proper breaks at all. I've been working online for about 10 years now, even though I didn't do much for the first 4-5 years. I've been a full time freelancer for about 5 years now and today, I'll quit.
Well, that's not the truth actually, but I might give up my freelancing dreams during next year. The end of 2017 might be the end of the road for me.
Some of you guys are aware of the fact that I've been struggling quite much during 2016 and no matter the reasons, I haven't really been able to make a living online during this year.. - And we all know it. You can't work more than 12 hours per day if you don't earn enough money to pay your bills..
Freelancing, work from home and to make money online has grown huge and there's an endless road of new freelancers each day. People who quit their jobs to commit themselves to their online businesses.. Teenagers, single parents.. Literally anyone and everyone are trying their luck online, as it was and still is quite easy to make money online.
However, with all the people who's starting out the existing sellers and services drop in sales due to the competition and that's also when you need to lower your prices.. Which in the long run results in less profit. - To make the same amount of money you made a month ago, or three months ago, you'll need to put in more hours. After awhile you'll realize that you're working 15+ hours per day and you make as much as you did for 5-6 hours of work 2 years ago. - And here's where I'm literally stuck.
I've been trying to compete with all these new sellers, but not only that, also with existing sellers as they've lowered their prices too, due to the new competition.. And I won't do it anymore. I'm tired and I'm sick of it.
If I believe I'm worth $100 per hour for something, then I'll charge $100. That's it. I won't lower myself to a payment of $10 if I believe I'm worth 10 or 15 times more than that. - And you shouldn't waste your time doing it either.
I work from home. I work whenever I want to. I am my own boss. - However, I do have bills to pay. I pay rent. I need to eat. My freelancing career is my job, just like you go to work each day, I do too. - If you get paid why shouldn't I?
We work online and we are providing services and products. That doesn't mean that it's easy or that we should give things away for free. - We are in need of money just like everyone else on this planet.
I've had enough of this BS. I'll start to charge what I'm worth. By doing that, I can feel good about myself at least.
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I completely agree with you! I said same thing many years ago, yet i had to lower my prices 10 times cheaper on some services, but still i am not doing anything below bottom line price. Well, why i have to be on bottom line at all? I ask my self too....
Here is many members who will understand you 100%, but sadly, here is also many members who would jump to the sky if they could charge less then $1 for some services, so i ask my self also, are they so desperate or they want to beat everyone even at their own cost and time loss... So silly and stupid.
10 years ago i could charge up to $3000 for nice webdesign and website development until all this low quality, greedy freelancers popped up and start offering 10 times cheaper prices. If they needed to get jobs desperately, they would probably get it by lowering prices with 5% or 10%. Nowadays you can hardly get job to build website for $100 and yet i see someone would do it for $10... Who's the crazy here???
But guess what. I AM NOT GIVING UP! Because i am smarter
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