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I am writing this in respect to the banning of seoclerks links on Facebook and now, YouTube, though in the comment section. PLEASE and PLEASE, Let us be very careful about the way we spread our seoclerks affiliate links across twitter, LinkedIn and other social network sites so as not to warrant any BAN from them due to spamming.
All i am requesting is your cooperation.
Though it is very unfortunate that Facebook which happens to be the biggest social site is not longer accepting seoclerks link and even youtube in the comments section , let us not allow TWITTER to follow suite too.
As we post our affiliate links with the intent of gaining affiliates, lets us not do it too excessively but to be very careful. with the cooperation of everyone here, we can avoid twitter banning seoclerks links
Thank you


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Yes Lynne i agree with you and well said. I think the main problem is poor business practice by some of the sellers here on Seoclerks. We need to come together and try and resolve the spamming issue. We need to educate new sellers on how to market within Seoclerks using bumps, category feature, and other ways so that they don't resort to spam. Facebook is so yuppy they dont allow anyone to do anything anymore its becoming more of a dictatorship over their. They dont want other people selling Facebook likes or followers and its not just us its everyone. I use Drop Box to get around these types of bans. How you say? This is very easy all you have to do is paste your link into notepad and save it. Once you have done this upload it to drop box and create a share link. Now just share the DB link and when people click it the will see your Seoclerks link.

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As Lynne and other pointed out SC link is not banned from Youtube, no twitter for that matter, I understand your concerns regarding the affiliate link on social networks. Spamming the hell out of it won't help anyone and will actually make you lose in the long run because once the domain is banned you also won't be able to promote your affiliate.

I don't think many marketplaces had this problem because not many marketplaces have such a dedicated community and active users willing to do anything to get their message out there.

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Hard to predict what could happen with Twitter regarding Seoclerks affiliate links. There is so many people (thousands of us) promoting affiliate links daily, so even if we do few a day, it's going to be many. But yes we have to ask everyone in this community to NOT SPAM their followers with excessive promoting / tweeting, so we can stay there free to post such links. Hopefully everyone will take his part in this saving Seoclerks from banning and take this seriously!!!

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Exactly sir, i just hope everyone will comply to this directive and maybe the seoclerks staff can even be sending out broadcast messages on a regular basis noticing sellers and buyers about posting thier affiliate or any other links that relates to seoclerks for i think this will go a long way in heling out most esp those that are not even visiting this commuity forum. thanks for your response.

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Chetaseo you have highlighted a very important theme here and it is not just about SeoClerks - it is about the way all affiliate marketers go about things. There is a right way to market and a wrong way. Spamming is never the right way and it leads to more problems than the social networks tightening up on affiliate links!

I am personally so tired of people spamming me on social networks, via email and even texting and whatsapp'ing affiliate links to my phone. It gives affiliate marketing as a whole a really bad name!

And just to clarify, it is not SeoClerks affiliate links specifically that are being targeted. I have not been able to add affiliate links for a few other websites in replies to comments on my own videos!

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