
People love to read Content

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People love to read Content

People love to read ContentPeople love to read Content, but what type of content they love to read? Do they like blog article from real experience or Article promoting Products focusing the ins and outs of a particular product known as Review Article?


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Hello mdanwarhc,
Please don't take this the wrong way but it feels like you're trying to take a "shortcut" by getting "the answer" for this question. However, and it doesn't really matter if you are or not, an answer for this won't be easy to get. People are different. People like different things.

I personally love personal experiences and details from people's lives. I don't want to read about your latest vacation and see some boring vacation photos but I'd love to hear about your "dark times" as an alcoholic, a drug addict or as a "failure" in life who lost your job or things like that.. But not only that. I also want to hear about your way back. I want to hear real success stories with mistakes and failures. These things are amazing to read.

That being said, as I love to buy products, read and learn things, I would also like to read about specific products, how and why they work or why they don't etc. Which basically would be reviews. - So all in all, it all depends on the readers. Who will read your content?

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Dear hitmeasap,
Thank you very much for your fantastic and encouraging response. You have pointed out some issues, which are, I think, most welcoming to most of the readers.

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Hi mdanwarhc. It's great that you have such a positive attitude! We appreciate your question and contribution to the SEOClerks Community Discussion.

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You are welcome mdanwarhc! - Don't hesitate to ask other questions within the Community Discussion at any point. - We all are here to welcome you, to help you and to encourage you! - Like others have done and still are doing for us.

I see that you're a fairly new user here on SEOClerks and you already got a positive feedback and a recommendation, that's awesome! - Another superb thing with you is that you seem to be very humble, kind and positive. That goes a long way online! (Btw. Lynne who gave you the recommendation is also a trustworthy contributor on SEOClerks, so you might have hit the jackpot and got a great kick-start on your freelancing career!)

Best of luck! People love to read Content

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Personally I am not that into product reviews really, since I know that the majority of product reviews especially on blogs are written by people that have never even seen the product in real life, never mind actually used it!

I know this sounds awful but it is true. I am a blogger and yes I write reviews. I get paid to write reviews and I also write reviews to promote products via affiliate marketing.

I do things a little differently though, I won't review a product or service anymore unless I have actually used the product or service myself. I know there are some bloggers that do review things that have actually used and I might read those reviews.

If I want to buy something I usually ask friends and family what they recommend.

But back to reading content, I love reading books, real books. I love fiction and I love real life stories. Maybe I am similar to Andre in this, but I have been through some hardships in my life which I have overcome so I like to read what other people have gone through.

I also like learning, especially SEO and online marketing. So being part of this community discussion is part of my daily learning.

Perhaps next time share some of your knowledge with the members here, something that can teach others a little about whatever your expertise is?

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dear Lynne,
Thank you very much for your in-depth analysis. Your answer is beyond my expectation, and it's increased my knowledge on Readers preferences for Online Community.

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It is a pleasure! Oh and even though I don't really like reading reviews I got lots of views on mine so people do read them. Then again I wonder how many readers of reviews are actually doing research on writing reviews for their websites!

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Thanks once again and yes, people do research, one for reading and another for creating content. So both are Researcher and a Genuine Researcher of course.

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Well as a content writer I have written all sorts of content. I have had clients who wanted me to write reviews about products or services, or promotional material for their business. Then there were others who needed content that revolved around how to do things, or explanatory/ enlightening / motivational articles. So, all content is valid, as long as it is well written, original and useful. Ultimately online you are going to get all sorts of searches, and it also depends on your line of business too. Just bear in mind that originality is what really matters, and of course, offering something engaging and instructive.

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dear EliteWriter,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. It not only help me to understand the reader's behavior but also to follow the trends of reading preferences.

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Hi mdanwarhc. It's great that you are asking opinions of others in the Community. After all, by sharing, we all learn! As for myself, I love to read infographics as they contain a lot of useful information in synopsis form and are easy to understand. Also, I like reading product reviews, such as the ones you find on Amazon as they make me a more informed online shopper.

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Yes, right you are. In recent days, infographics play a vital role in reader engagement. Thank you very much once again.

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Oh yes I really need to get into creating great infographics on my websites but my graphic design skills just suck to put it straight out there.

I would be really keen to maybe purchase infographics at a good at some stage. Oh and also slide presentations for the SlideShare website! I want to get started there and see if I can pull in some traffic but I have no clue how to create a slide!

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Thank You for sharing! The amount of content we have here is amazing! I think that people will read almost anythiung you post as long as you have a good discrption.

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Dear jkeyz2,
Thank you very much for your participation in this CD with a simplified explanation. You told many thinks that were uncovered.

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Yes, people love to read contents, that's why they say "content is the king." People read all sorts of things. If you check what people are searching on the internet you will be surprised. People are even searching "why I am ugly." In order to find out which topic people are reading more, you can check the trending topic on google. The topics that many people are reading are always on current topic. If you take a clue from trending topic and develop content, you may not receive traffic, because you are already late in creating topic. Therefore, it is always better to develop content on evergreen topic.

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It's true that people love reading contents. Most of them love reading contents with pictures. They like it when it's informative and entertaining at the same time, whether it's about experiences or products. Images support the content very well. People are visual by nature so images are very attractive to them. When it comes to products, I personally love reading about fashion item descriptions with high quality images. When it comes to blogs, I personally love those where I can learn more about business, financial literacy, health, and self development with images, of course so I won't get bored. Just maintain a good balance between the contents and the images.

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This is not a very clear topic although for me, content means the writings that you can see on the webpage of blogs or websites. Whatever it is, be they words, phrases and sentences, those are the contents that convey a message or meaning. And if you would say people love to read contents, it would definitely depend on the kind of content. Like in a blog, people who love the niche would read the blog but those who don’t care about the niche would not see it relevant and would not read the contents.

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thank you for your strong explanation, its really meaningful to me People love to read Content

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