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I'm thinking of providing a service either on here or on WordClerks for article spinning by hand. As you know, most automatic article spinners do a terrible job of spinning the articles. After the spin is complete, the article doesn't flow properly, it doesn't make sense. Some words are off by miles and it basically looks and reads rubbish!
I use TBS (The Best Spinner) to spin articles by hand. It take much longer to do but the result is an article that still makes sense on every spun version. I use this sometimes for my own Web 2.0's and things like that. I don't do as much as that these days but I do do it for clients every now and then as part of my Web 2.0 Network Creation service. For which I got my first sale for the other day lol.
So I'm really just posting this to put the feelers out there, and do some research into it, to see whether or not people are still buying this sort of thing?
I know that people are still buying SEO services like hot cakes! And most SEO sellers/providers use spun content as part of that service. The only problem is, 99% of them are lazy SEO's and will automatically spin your content using some machine to do it! This produces terribly poor spun content that is a curse to read!
Even the most sophisticated content spinning software and algorithm in the world, even TBS, can't always produce great spun content when done automatically. Even if you chose the best option and choose everyone's favorites based on words used to spin the words with, it still can't produce effective spun articles that still make sense and flow correctly when read.
So I'm asking you, is there a market for this kind of thing?
I've searched the site and can't find any service like this on here that will manually spin your articles by hand. Although there are several services showing for it, none of them have any sales! LOL... Though most of them are level 1 sellers who haven't logged in for a while and are charging too much or something to start with idk.
Anyway, what do you think? Is there a market out there for this?
According to Google Keyword Planner tool there is some demand for it..
Should I / could I offer this as a service in my own unique way?
Would you buy a service like this?
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That article you wrote as part of my Youtube video promotion... was that a manually spun service? That couldn't have been been a spun article?
I am sure you will make sales Mike, yes there may be other services that are selling the same thing but really they aren't Mike are they? Mike I would probably buy any of your services with a smile on my face. I am not sure I would want any spun articles for my websites whether it is manual or not. I like to order content writing services for my articles. That article you wrote as part of my Youtube video promotion... was that a manually spun service? That couldn't have been been a spun article? I am sure you will make sales Mike, yes there may be other services that are selling the same thing but really they aren't Mike are they?
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