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Let me share something cool with you.. Something I personally believe is something amazing and both inspiring and motivational actually, so this one is for all of you. - Thank you!
SEOClerks is for most of us the best marketplace ever. Excellent support, amazing moderators and superb marketplace features are just few of the reasons we all love this place.. But Ionicware have so much more than this. ListingDock and WordClerks are two other marketplaces.
And this topic is inspired from a topic in WordClerks Community Discussion.
Can everybody be a writer? - A topic made by EliteWriter.
In this topic, I shared some details about myself. That I don't really see myself as a writer. Mostly due to the fact that I'm not native in English.
I'll even quote this for you, so you get it all:
The way I see it, writer and "writer".
I would say that I'm a "writer" as I'm an author and I'm actively writing posts, replies and things like that. However, I wouldn't consider myself to be a writer. A writer is what Lynne explained above and I'm nothing near that. I'm not native in English and I'm fully aware of my spelling and grammar issues, even though I write the way I believe it's spelled.. That being said, when I've written my ebooks I've often had them proofread and edited by native, copywriters, even though I didn't hire one for my last ebook. So the bottom line is, that I would call myself a "writer" but not a writer.
Your english is very good compared to what I experienced from people who claimed that they were article writers, believe me! I think you are to be classified as a writer because you express yourself well.
Thank you EliteWriter, I appreciate your kind words. Things like this are awesome to hear actually. Let me explain why. First of all, you gave me a "Pat on the back" and that alone is fantastic. It makes you (or at least me in this case) feel appreciated. That means a lot. Secondly, you "praised me" even further by comparing my writing skills with article writers and you didn't stop there. You also added a third thing which was the sentence where you mentioned "classified". For me, that's three superb reasons to call myself a writer. This is what I love about Ionicware's marketplaces and the community discussions. People are honest, inspiring and people don't judge you or look down on you for no reason. This is what Freelancing is all about. To help others. To inspire them and to motivate them.
The same "thank you" goes to Lynne, Mike and all the other CD moderators and the whole Community too. This inspired me to write a new topic. Thank you very much!
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There are plenty of people that call themselves writers but they just don't take care and diligence with their writing, they make careless spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. This is something that really gets my goat.
If you want to be classified as a writer and be taken seriously then at least use a capital letter to start your sentences and add a full stop. This is not a language barrier, this rule is I am sure relevant to all languages.
You are not English and yes on occasion I could tell you are not English, but not once did I think hey this guy can't write! You express yourself well, you give quality information and you write in a way that flows well. This is what counts. You are so a writer, not a "writer" Andre. I really mean every word I said in that discussion on Wordclerks. There are plenty of people that call themselves writers but they just don't take care and diligence with their writing, they make careless spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. This is something that really gets my goat. If you want to be classified as a writer and be taken seriously then at least use a capital letter to start your sentences and add a full stop. This is not a language barrier, this rule is I am sure relevant to all languages. You are not English and yes on occasion I could tell you are not English, but not once did I think hey this guy can't write! You express yourself well, you give quality information and you write in a way that flows well. This is what counts.
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