
Identity Verification - a new security feature?

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Identity Verification - a new security feature?

So I just came across a new feature in the security settings - identity verification

I have happily submitted my national identity document. I am just wondering who else is doing this?

Identity Verification - a new security feature?


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Hi Lynne thanks for convey a nice information regarding identity verification on SEOclerks like another security concern. SEOclerks becoming more amazing site each and every day and at the same time they are very concern about security for all users. And specially this featured will stand very strongly against fraud. I am sure many of fraud buyer and seller will not going to verify for this feautre. And I would suggest to SEOclerks please make it mandatory for all buyers and sellers, who specially spend a certain of time on SEOclerks.

I also request to verification my identity hope within 72 hours my identity will verify and hope this will show on my profile beside phone and address verification.

Eventually thanks to SEOclerk to take such a great step against fraud.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Thanks Ajlancer Identity Verification - a new security feature? I just got confirmation that I am ID verified on SeoClerks Identity Verification - a new security feature? It only took me a second to do. I mean most people should have a digital copy of their ID on hand right?

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Identity Verification - a new security feature?
Identity Verification - Check!

Thank you Lynne, I wasn't aware of this security option before your topic.
This is a superb feature for extra security. It feels like my SEOClerks account is locked down as hard as Fort Knox.

Identity Verification - a new security feature?

Awesome updates as always. Thank you SEOClerks, thank you Ionicware and thank you Lynne for reminding us!

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LOL Andre Identity Verification - a new security feature? Me too, nice to know that there are all these awesome security features being added all the time. I love the fact that SeoClerks is constantly working to bring new and exciting updates.

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I think that its awesome that Seoclerks is adding this extra layer of security to our profiles. I have already verified my address and my ID but it shows i have not. I have to look into this and see what is going on maybe upload it again. So many people try to hide their identity to scam people or avoid taxes that this is almost a necessity. Today the online world is getting crazy with people trying to hide who they really are. This extra step to verify the users here on Seoclerks will give the buyers peace of mind knowing that we are verified. Thank you for sharing this because i didn't realize that they added all of these features. I was only aware of the address verification, but i like everything else they added.

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Oh dear, I am sure that support can sort this out for you.

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I was not aware of this. It is a cool addition, and certainly done with the intention of offering more security to sellers, and also add to the trust buyers can feel when dealing with them. Thank you for sharing this Lynne.

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Neither was I, I think this is a brand new feature that has been added Identity Verification - a new security feature?

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I had all the verifications until now, including the address one, but I think as a seller, I don't need this one just yet. The only other website I submitted my ID too was PayPal, I'm not saying I don't trust SEOclerks with my ID but I'm not doing it just yet since there are no direct feature you gain from doing this.

As far as I understand all this is for high fraud risk buyers who still want to buy services here on SEOclerks.

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LOL ok well I sent in my ID anyway... not sure if it is needed but I did it.

I thought it was just another way to build your trustworthiness here. I am a buyer but I am not into fraud so I think I needn't have bothered!

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I think it would be cool to see this details on user profiles like this:

Identity Verification - a new security feature?

We already have Phone Verified and Address Verified. Wouldn't it be a good thing to see "Identity Verified" too? - I mean, not that it would really matter, but I see it like this: The more verified you are, the more likely it is that people trust you. It's just like with positive feedback, response time, delivery time and recommendations too. All of these things exists to help both sellers and buyers.

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Maybe that's a bit too much in my opinion. Addresses verified seems very trustworthy in my book, I just didn't seen any other websites having ID verification displayed to other users.

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I do agree with you Cristian, about this being "a bit too much", but I still believe it could work just fine. It wouldn't be much different from the verification statements we already have.

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Good idea I am address verified which I think is the most important of all of these. However, if you start adding to many features to things, it just adds more things that can go wrong. If anyone for instance ever hacked seo clerks, I don't think I would want my private id info on the site lol just saying. Also, it could be more of a target for hackers if they think they can get that info from a site just my thoughts of course.

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It’s about time that this site should be strict with the members in order to weed out the undesirable buyers and sellers. Some users have the guts to fool people simply because they do not show their real identity. Look at Paypal which requires a credit card so that when the user is a fraudster then his credit card will bear the brunt. This identity verification is a good way to assure us of integrity.

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Sir Identity Verification How to do it

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Unfortunately, not many people pay attention to this, although I believe that personal identification by appearance and documents should be mandatory on many sites and applications. By the way, you can read more about these technologies here, it's a company that provides identity recognition and instant document verification services.

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