
Do a seller earn free bumps if he logs in automatically to seoclerks site?

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Do a seller earn free bumps if he logs in automatically to seoclerks site?

One of the ways of getting free bumps is for a seller to login everyday as the number of bumps to earn is only 1.
what of the case where a seller logs into the seoclerks site automatically immediately (due to stored cookies) he just type in the seoclerks url. will he still earn the free bump?
Or does he have to log out and log in again to earn the free bumps?


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Hes actually you do! Its so exciting to know that Seoclerks team wants all to succeed, and by providing us a bump just for signing shows thats they do.

Here are some other ways to get bumps:

Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $5 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question on the FAQ (2 per day)

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