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Why is it that some people have asked me "Why is it so easy for you to make money?" or "how come you make sales so easily"... or "how come you manage to get traffic"
I get a little bit confused when people ask me this. What is a measure of success?
Yes I make a full time income working online. I blog, I do affiliate marketing and I get as creative as I can to make money online.
My most recent success was writing an eBook and selling 4 copies in the first week on ListingDock.com.
I just wonder what people consider "easy" because to me it wasn't actually easy at all.
It took me 3 weeks of intense hard work and focus to write that eBook. The preparation for publishing, getting my marketing together and then publishing it and marketing it took close on another week.
And when I work... I WORK.
Yes I sold 4 eBooks but that was a month of solid hard work that I put in before I made any money.
I have made a total of about $50 from sales of that eBook.... and that is what I have seen so far for a full months worth of work.
It may appear that things come easy, but the truth is that hard work, blood, sweat and tears is what goes into making money online.
So don't look at someone that made a sale one hour after listing a service and think oh wow, that person was lucky, or maybe they make money easily...
Good things come to those that work and don't give up.
I am not now going to sit on my bum and wait for money to keep coming in.
I am going to continue to promote my eBook to get more sales and I am going to spend another month working till crazy hours writing my next eBook.
Forget about chasing these make money easy schemes and work for what you want!
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