
Why is it so easy for YOU to make money?

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Why is it so easy for YOU to make money?

Why is it that some people have asked me "Why is it so easy for you to make money?" or "how come you make sales so easily"... or "how come you manage to get traffic"

I get a little bit confused when people ask me this. What is a measure of success?

Yes I make a full time income working online. I blog, I do affiliate marketing and I get as creative as I can to make money online.

My most recent success was writing an eBook and selling 4 copies in the first week on

I just wonder what people consider "easy" because to me it wasn't actually easy at all.

It took me 3 weeks of intense hard work and focus to write that eBook. The preparation for publishing, getting my marketing together and then publishing it and marketing it took close on another week.

And when I work... I WORK.

Yes I sold 4 eBooks but that was a month of solid hard work that I put in before I made any money.

I have made a total of about $50 from sales of that eBook.... and that is what I have seen so far for a full months worth of work.

It may appear that things come easy, but the truth is that hard work, blood, sweat and tears is what goes into making money online.

So don't look at someone that made a sale one hour after listing a service and think oh wow, that person was lucky, or maybe they make money easily...

Good things come to those that work and don't give up.

I am not now going to sit on my bum and wait for money to keep coming in.

I am going to continue to promote my eBook to get more sales and I am going to spend another month working till crazy hours writing my next eBook.

Forget about chasing these make money easy schemes and work for what you want!


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I agree with you Lynne and i have the same questions being asked to me sometimes. I tell people to please not compare themselves to me and that everyone has to work hard to achieve what they want in life. I guess we make it look easy to people from the outside looking in but as you mentioned they don't see what goes on behind the scenes. Some people actually think that we had over night success as well. I put in time effort and long hours to make my Seoclerks what it is today. That is not the only thing its been 3 years and i still push harder daily to do more and make more. I am so happy to hear that your Ebook is doing well is that not such a sense of accomplishment? I also laugh when people ask me to help them be as successful as i am. Do they realize that nobody helped us and we had to do it ourselves? Then when you say sure ill help you for $1000 bucks they get all bent out of shape and say its not worth it. Good Job and thank for sharing!

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LOL Jkeyz2 yes I know exactly what you mean.

Yes I sold 4 copies of my eBook but I had to write it first right? It is not easy writing an eBook and it takes some considerable time and effort. Plus the marketing and everything else.

People see the end result, they see me all excited because I made $50 and then say I did it easily? No ways LOL

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From the outside every successful person seems to handle everything in an easy way, people have no idea what happens behind the curtains.
Most of my friend are still in denial when it comes to me making money online, for a long time they didn't actually believe me for some reason, know its just something the avoid talking about, I guess they feel pretty insecure about everything online business, it's a big mistery for them, even though none asked me to teach them or get them a head start.

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Yes it does appear that way doesn't it? When I look at a successful person I don't see any of the struggles that person face, I just see the success and all the accomplishments.

However I always make sure not to make assumptions, because I know from my own experience that success is not easy to achieve.

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I have always known that nothing good comes easy.whenever any one succeed in a thing I applause the person because nothing good comes easy.

Behind that smiles of accomplishment lies years of hardwork and stress.making money is work itself.

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This was a nice read Lynne, thanks for sharing! - I've been hearing things like this to.. All too often.

What people doesn't seem to realize is the hard work you put in before anything happens. In your case, you've earned $50 which is awesome of course, but if you look at things from another angle, this isn't "too awesome". Let me explain what I mean.

In this specific scenario you've actually worked for 30 days. More or less Full time. You made $50. That's $1,6 per day. Doesn't sound AMAZING right? (50 / 30 = 1,6).

That being said, this is still wonderful!
From those 30 days, you've now made $50 but that's not the real kicker here. The kicker is that you've created a passive income!

Ebooks are digital and once you've created one, it's kind of "set and forget" when you create your service listing.
You sold 4 copies the first week. How about the second week, the third and the forth? - You can literally get hundreds of sales from the date you start to sell it. Perhaps even thousands of sales. - That's why you work so hard. And that's why you are successful!

Would you prefer to work 30 days for $1,6 per day or would you rather work 30 days without getting paid, and afterwards be able to get paid something for life? - The answer is obvious for most people but even so, most people don't seem to understand the true reason behind such a question. - You've nailed it Lynne and I wish you all the best!

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Andre that is exactly what I am trying to get across. There are so many people trying to make money quickly and it just does not happen that way. You have to slog away for months or even years to start making some money online.

And yes I am after the passive income here big time. I am working my butt off so that one day I won't have to work nearly as hard. So that one day I can sit on my butt for a week or two and do nothing but still have income coming in from my eBook sales.

This takes time and hard work but it is doable.

None of my goals are set for today. My goals are set for the future and I want to make sure that in the future I can rest more.

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I do not think that it is that easy to make money as a freelancer considering that freelancing involves spending your time and energy working online for clients and even doing all you could to ensure you deliver the best services to them. So, the money made by freelancers are not that easy.

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I am always encouraged whenever I would read such a testimonial that earning money online is easy or not difficult. For me, it is not easy because my main line is paid forum posting and the earnings are in coins. I have to spend maybe 4 hours to earn $5. This gives me the idea that I should somehow diversify to increase my income.

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In December, I published three books, however, I was able to sell only one book. It took me over a month to write these ebooks, but I earned only $2 as a royalty. I am expecting sales will pick up, but it may never pick up. In December, I also wrote two ebooks for clients and earned $240 from two ebooks. Writing for clients is an easy way to make money, however, in order to benefit, you need many contracts. Making money is not easy.

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