
Change your name to 'Iphone 7' and win a free device

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Change your name to 'Iphone 7' and win a free device

Have you ever wanted an Iphone 7? How about to get it totally for free without spending a single buck...It's possible yeah but it's valid only for Ukrainian people. Now, An electronic store located in Ukrainia announced that they will give Iphone 7 devices for free to the first five people who changes their names to Iphone 7. I think I've seen any kind of marketing techniques but this is the best so far. It sounds a little weird yeah, but there people who actually did that to get an iphone for free.

For example, this guy changed its name from Olexander Turin to iPhone Sim (Seven)

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This is crazy, people who have done this are super fanatics. I mean what do you do when the new Iphone comes out? Now your named after an outdated Iphone. This actually makes me laugh people are that desperate for Apple products? I also wonder if they where to change the 5 person rule how many people would sign up? Would they make Apple go bankrupt? How many people would we have with the same name! I would hate to be the post man trying to figure out where all of these Iphones live buhahahaahaha. This is most certainly a marketing publicity stunt and it looks like its working! If i could gang up all of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard this has to be high up on the list for sure.

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Oh my God, that's soooo much gringe type material right there! If the process of changing your name is simple enough, yeah, maybe I would do that for an iPhone 7, not really an Apple fan here but hell, I would sell that baby on the first day!

Unfortunately, the process is pretty difficult here, so I would not go to the trouble, not to mention the fact that my father would probably disown my ass for changing the family, would be a great insult, not worth it for smartphone. disown

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Sometimes the craziness of some people bewilders me. I would not even dream of doing something like that! It is silly and incredible how far some people decide to go. Just imagine how ridiculous this guy is going to look when he applies for a job or something that is professional, and he tells them that he changed his name to iPhone! Not to mention the fact that as time goes by he is going to feel outdated as new models are bound to come out every year or every couple of years!

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I think it is going to be pretty much difficult for anyone to win one of those iPhone 7 considering the simple task of changing one's name to the brand. So, I don't seem interested in it.

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