
FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

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FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

Repeat Customers And How To Get Them
In the beginning of your career you'll need reviews. Below I'll show you a great way to squeeze out more sales and get even more reviews. Actually, this is something you should do once in awhile, even if you rake in 50+ sales per day.. You will most definitely benefit from this, which is the reason to never stop doing this. Here goes!

Send your previous clients a private message. Tell them that you're offering them a 2 for 1 deal, a special discount etc. Something like this:

"Hello "username,
Thank you very much for leaving me such an excellent feedback! Since the review you gave me helped me a lot I thought I'd give you a special offer just to say thanks and show my appreciation a bit. You can get (your special offer here) if you're interested. You can take up on this offer whenever you want, just send me a message about it. FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

Thanks in advance,

What you're doing here:
-You care about your clients and they will appreciate it. Believe me.
-You offer them an even better deal. They will appreciate that too.
-You EVEN offer them this, WHENEVER they feel like it themselves.

In my own experience, most buyers will take you up on the special offer immediately. People likes to act fast so even though you've told them that they can wait, most of them won't. You know it yourself too, right?

If you're looking for something and suddenly get 2 for the same price, you'll most likely buy it immediately. 2 for 1 deals are awesome. For both sellers and buyers. Make sure not to over do this. Wait for about 5 days or a week (perhaps even more) after the delivery is made and then send them your special offer. Below I will show you exactly what I did quite recently myself.. And the results of it.

FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

As you can see in the above screenshot I received an order on October 29th. The
next couple of weeks passed by and I finally wrote a message to my client..

FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

Do you remember what I wrote above..? I'll share it one more time..

What you're doing here:
-You care about your clients and they will appreciate it. Believe me.
-You offer them an even better deal. They will appreciate that too.
-You EVEN offer them this, WHENEVER they feel like it themselves.

As you can see within my message I clearly care about my client and I show my appreciation by thanking them for their business and the review.. I offer them my deal, (10% discount). And I also state "any time in the future". Like previously stated.. The clients appreciates this.

Here's what happened next.

FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

Two hours later, I got another sale notification.. The previous buyer came back for more.. That's what happens when you care about your clients and when you "go that extra mile" for them.. They will appreciate it.

If you DON'T get an extra sale or if they simply answers "No Thank you". Do NOT start bombarding them with more offers!

You CAN however, answer them one more time and just simply state:
"No worries at all! I appreciate your answer. Remember that you can get this offer at anytime so there's no need for doing it now. Hope you have a fantastic day!"

And why do this?

-Your using the last message just as a small reminder for your clients and even to look like a professional since you keep answering your message. That's outstanding customer care. What if this client have any questions in the near future?

They're already convinced that you'll answer them right away. Just like you've done now..

Before You Go
Each and every bit of information you've read until now will benefit you if you practice it, learn it and implement it. Work hard and stay focused. Put in the necessary amount of effort your business requires and you'll succeed. I guarantee you that.

Before I finally let you go to work I'll share a few ideas..

• WTB Sections. (Want to buy)
Whenever you can, with or without lots of sales and business, browse the WTB sections on both Fiverr and SEOClerks. There's endless of potential clients to get here and there's a lot of reputed sellers who neglects these sections totally, which makes this a huge possibility for you!

• Phishing Sites.
Beware of Phishing sites. Be careful before clicking links within your order pages. If you click a link and you're redirected to a page that looks like Fiverr/SEOClerks (or the marketplace you're working on) and you need to login. Stay away and be careful. It's probably a Phishing site. Emails from "Fiverr Support" that states your account has been locked and require your password are another scam. Always be careful. Don't fall for things like this.

Some ideas on what to sell.
1. Ebooks and Tutorials in any niche. Marketing, Health, Weight Loss etc.
2. Graphics package, sales pages, covers, headers, buttons, banners, etc.
3. Softwares. Reseller rights or your own products.
4. PLR/MRR Articles.
5. Exercise plans.
6. Diets.
7. Business ideas.
8. Business names and slogans.
9. Recipes & video tutorials.

These are just a few ideas I came up with, in less than 2 minutes..

You could set up a series of reports, bundle it all into a .zip and sell it through Clickbank, sellfy, JVZoo, DigiResults, Shareasale, Warriorplus etc.. Your own imagination is the only limit. If you'd rather act as a middleman (reseller), I'd recommend selling Social Media services such as Twitter Followers..These have been hot-sellers the past years now and there's still thousands of buyers out there each day who's looking for a high quality provider. With that being said, you can easily outsource anything as long as you think twice before taking action.

And there you have it.. My complete journey. From a Fiverr Zero to a SEOClerks Hero with multiple income streams without driving myself crazy in the process. I hope this proved valuable to you and that you’ll take the concepts I shared in it to heart. While I tried to be as detailed as possible in explaining everything, I am only one person, and everything might not have been as clear for some as it was for others.

If that’s the case, then I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions you have. I’m always here to help. You can reach me right here at SEOClerks.

I wish you all the best in your journey and I hope you’ll share with me your success story as it happens.
I wrote "FiverrClerks From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero" during mid 2015 to early 2016 and I published it early 2016. That means that some of the information within these 15 different "FiverrClerks" parts might be inaccurate due to some changes. For instance, SEOClerks forum doesn't exist nowadays and the Community Discussion has replaced the old forum. Things like this happens but even so, I still wanted to share my entire ebook with you. Enjoy! FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!

FiverrClerks - From Fiverr Zero To SEOClerks Hero. Part 15 - Final Part!


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Yay, I finally got to the last part! Andre this has been quite the ride, congrats on doing this huge tutorial for all the beginners out there!

I found that once you start getting clients it's actually very easy to keep some of them and make them repeat orders or even transform them into long-term clients!
DO NOT BE LAZY - laziness is one of my greatest drawbacks and I lost a lot because of it!
So once you got an order and you delivered, the client was happy and everything, there are ways of getting him back:
drop him a PM, make him a better deal, tell the client about other services you have that he probably has no clue about! Always try to maintain a relationship level, I found that if I PM 10 clients I had last month, at least one of them will make another order, just because I made some time to contact them after a month from the last order they made!

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This is quite true for I've used this method to connect with lots of clients. The good thing about talking with clients is that it will show the client that you're really concerned about doing your best to give them the best services that you can offer.

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I have some writer friends who have concrete plans of selling e-books because they say that people are now turning to the digital versions of books which is much cheaper and more convenient. But the problem with e-book is the niche that you will write about because not any e-book will sell. I had read that tutorials are in fashion but you still have to verify which kind of tutorial is salable at this time.

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