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Another Way To Use A Marketplace
Implement what I've already shared so far. Upload videos on youtube, spread them on other Social Medias.. With a small change.. Put your website url in the description and make people visit your site instead.
Use your Fiverr and/or SEOClerks clients as a portfolio!
Show your feedback on your site with a couple of screenshots. Show your delivered work, your logos or whatever and sell from your own site too!
TA-DA! You're now running a business!
You should obviously have better deals than on Fiverr or SEOClerks (or any other marketplace you choose to work with) to be able to put a higher price tag. If you sell a full color, transparent logo for $15. Do the same on your own site but offer the same deal with 2 revisions for instance, and set the price tag to $20 or $25..
Even better deal..? - The same offer but offer them Revisions until they're 100% SATISFIED for $50. (Usually takes 1-3 revisions but it sure sounds great for the client.)
**As already mentioned above. You need to steer your clients all the way to the "BUY NOW" button still having your clients think they are the ones in control. This can be done with literally anything you can sell and the best part is.. You don't even have to sell the services yourself.
Just find a couple of great providers and use their Extras to setup outstanding packages for your own clients to choose from.. Think big and outside the box and profit will come. I guarantee you that. In the next pages, before we'll dive into product creation, I'll share a few very familiar threads and topics.. And answers for them..
Familiar Threads And Topics
Here's a post from a person who's longing for success..
"I really want to be a successful Internet Marketer, but nothing seems to work for me. I probably need a mentor, someone who was confused as I am, but who now sees the IM light as clear as day. I got to be honest, I don't even have a passion really. Other than I want to be successful. Is that enough?"
"New to the forum, new to IM ... best advice?"
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Q: "So it says on you resume that you have SEO experience as a freelancer?"
A: "Yes I do, there isn't much I can explain in the time we have now, just go to https://www.seoclerks.com/user/Cristian - its one of my main accounts and marketplaces where I seller my services, have a look and you get a full idea about what I'm doing as a freelancer"
For some reason, they thought that was pretty impressive so I got the job. So thank you SC! Another positive story on how SC affected someone's life! I'm pretty sure I've gotten my current job just by giving my SC profile link to the people interviewing me. Q: "So it says on you resume that you have SEO experience as a freelancer?" A: "Yes I do, there isn't much I can explain in the time we have now, just go to https://www.seoclerks.com/user/Cristian - its one of my main accounts and marketplaces where I seller my services, have a look and you get a full idea about what I'm doing as a freelancer" For some reason, they thought that was pretty impressive so I got the job. So thank you SC! Another positive story on how SC affected someone's life!
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