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Never do this. Not on Fiverr. Not anywhere. A potential client is one thing but someone who's skeptic for starters, will consume tons of time. It's not worth it. Not even if it's a chance to get your very first sale. You should always be polite and helpful but answering questions from people who never seems to be satisfied, no matter how many questions you answer.. Usually never is..
• Beware of orders including all your extras. Some buyers asks for a cancellation when you've delivered the work or at least start working on the order which is time consuming.
This might happen even after the buyer has given you feedback. Negative or positive. They can ask you for a refund or make a dispute on paypal. In case of this, Fiverr transfer the funds back to the buyer and you end up with nothing. However, that buyer will have their account closed for doing this, so you'll not encounter this same buyer again.
• Stay away from struggling clients. You will most certainly, at least at some point, end up with buyers who doesn't understand how things works. People new to Fiverr for instance. They ask you how they leave feedback & where they give you information and all that.. Stay away because this is time consuming and not worth it.
The coin is two-sided so in case you feel you have time for this, then proceed since you'll never know if that specific buyer MIGHT be the one who'll place multiple orders per day after that. You might stumble across the golden egg.. but it's more likely you won't.
• Last but not least. Offer Two for ones. When creating your first gig, you'll need reviews like I already stated. It's vital. It's key for success. However, even if you decide to join exchange groups to get your first reviews, why not offer your new clients a two for one?
It's easy. (As long as you can afford it), It get's attention and it will bring buyers for sure. If you provide something of quality that is. Just add the text in your description. Get 2 for 1! I don't know how long this special offer lasts so take action today!" etc.
Something like that. You can even state it within your title directly.
This has worked for me and for clients of mine. I usually never tell the exact date the special offer expires. I found this to give me better results. So, with all this said, we'll skip to the next chapter where I'll share a few key points with you. They’re crucial to your success:
You still need to put in the work. I’ve learned from experience that nothing valuable is handed to you on a silver platter. You have to earn it. You still need to be patient. There’s no such thing as “get rich quick”. Just like others before me, I searched for it for a long time – but never found it. Along with doing the work, you have to allow your strategy to unfold and take shape. You still need to stay on your path. If you don’t see results right away, please do not give up and move on the next “magic bullet”. All you’re doing is delaying your success that much longer. Stick with it and you’ll see results. You will not become super-wealthy within days. It’s important you realize this from the start.
Is It Possible To Make More Than Me?
I honestly think you can and yes, it is possible. Everything depends on what you do and how you do it. For example, converting clients into list subscribers would play a major roll. I haven’t explored that option enough to feel confident in instructing you on how to do it, so I can't go into any major foolproof in-depth details but here's one possible way of how you could do it..
• A client order your service (gig or whatever).
• You make deliveries with a small twist..
• You will need a squeeze page, sales page & some sort of bonus.
• Promote Affiliate products on your sales page.
Within your delivery message you'll attach a file. A .txt or .pdf file works great. The file that you upload contains the product that they've bought but, (and here's the cool part), you will also attach a bonus for them.. An undisclosed one. So basically, your delivery message will look something like this:
"Hello & thank you for your order. This order is now complete and delivery has been made. I've attached a file for you. Thank you once again"
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