
Now Galaxy S7 Edge Phones are Exploding Also! Big Trouble for Samsung!

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Now Galaxy S7 Edge Phones are Exploding Also! Big Trouble for Samsung!

I rang my mobile provider today (EE) to ask if there was any way they could give me a bit more data. I was only currently on 500mb data plan p/m and that was getting eaten quickly after I watched like 4-5 videos on my phone. So I rang them up to see what they could do for me. One of the things suggested was that they might be able to upgrade me to an S7. So I quickly done a Google search for S7 and the first thing that I saw was this Daily Mail post saying "Another Samsung phone may be in trouble: Shocking pictures show Galaxy S7 Edge owner claims EXPLODED while charging". Yikes!

Now Galaxy S7 Edge Phones are Exploding Also! Big Trouble for Samsung!

Apparently, the phone "exploded" while it was left on charge overnight. This was by the same person that handed in their Note 7 after the big recall that Samsung did and they was given the Galaxy S7 Edge instead. And this is not the first time that an S7 Edge is said to have exploded. Some guy in Ohio suffered 3rd degree burns to his legs after his phone overheated while in his trousers pocket who has since sued Samsung according to this Phone Arena post.

And that's not an isolated case, in the new Samsung are being sued left right and center for damages. This has to be a complete legal and PR nightmare for them! As if loosing $3 billion in revenue having to do the recalls wasn't enough. It looks like they will have to also pay out millions in damages to people suing them. And as if that's not enough, up to 40% of people are saying they will NEVER buy another Samsung phone again.

This is insane!

This is just insane that another Samsung flagship model phone is exploding in similar ways to the Note 7. In today's technological market, this should not be happening! Phone manufactures have a very very big budget spend on production, development and testing. And that's exactly what they should be spending their money on. Testing, testing and more testing. But here we see a classic case of phone manufacturers putting profits before peoples safety!

We all know there is a lot of competition out there. Apple with their iPhone 7, now the Google Pixel phone. And other phone manufactures making much cheaper smartphones they have to compete with. So it's obvious they rushed this out instead of spending money on and taking more time to test their phones fully.

I hope this is a lesson to all phone manufacturers out there. To more fully test their phones over a longer period. I mean come on! The fact that so many of these phones are exploding and Samsung didn't pick up on that? Yeah right! I suspect they probably knew that it was going to happen but tried to get it out there and make back as much money as they could from it and "hope" it didn't happen on the scale it did. But that has backfired on them now and they are now heavily paying for that decision.

Do you own a Samsung S7 Edge?

Will you trust it the same now or will you now be very "on edge" about it? (pun intended).

One things for sure, the price of these has dropped phenomenally.

But I'd rather pay more and buy a phone that wont explode next to my head!

How about you?

What do you think about this?


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No way! Again? Right when I wanted to create a thread about the new smartphone from Samsung called Samsung Galaxy C7 that just looks stunning!
What is the deal with Samsung and explosives? I simply can't understand it, how incompetent is this company if things like this continue to happen non-stop?

I dedicated, my next phone will definitely not be from Samsung. Most probably will be a Google Pixel if the 6 months reviews turn out to be positive or I'll just go for another LG.

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Once more it seems that there is something really wrong with samsung devices. I think they have really gone from being a reputable company to being a very low quality one that has lost its credibility. I for one used to be a samsung customer but i am definitely not going to buy a samsung device again for sure. The tablet i have is taking forever to charge, and i dumped my samsung s3 some months ago because it went mad, apart from the fact that the battery went dead after a few hours. Samsung need to do something radical to regain customers confidence.

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Dude why have they not been sued yet? My wife has a galaxy S7 but not the edge or the note. I wonder if she is in danger of being blown up. These phone are like sticks of dynamite. When a company like this makes a new product don't they test it for hours on end to make sure nothing goes wrong with it? How could they allow this to keep happening they need to recall all phone ASAP. I will never go away from Iphones they are the most reliable phones i have ever had. Not to mention that they are made out of aluminum and with a life proof case they are virtually indestructible. They have some serious cleaning up to do and i doubt that they will be able to keep up with Apple Inc after this.

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I am currently using a Samsung Galaxy S5 and I plan on upgrading my phone but after hearing all these Samsung phones exploding, I don't think I want to upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy S7 anymore and instead, I will probably go with the iPhone 7. Even though most people say that the Samsung Galaxy S7 is the best phone in the market, I don't want to take the risk and I rather go with a phone that have not had any problems.

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Seriously? Damn that is bad.

I bought a Samsung Galaxy phone about 4 years ago and it gave me so many hassles right from the start. Granted it was the cheapest Samsung Smartphone I could find, but the point is that it just did not work properly. I gave it away to someone and I got my moms old Nokia phone... you know the type that bounces back at you if you drop it.

I loved that phone and I kept it for 4 years working perfectly. Then I had people telling me that they didn't like my phone because there was an echo on calls. Not my side though so I was happy, but eventually the complaints got too much.

I went off and bought another Samsung Galaxy phone, but a little up from the bottom of the range. It has worked ok until recently. now suddenly I have a problem charging it. This phone is only 3 months old.

Add in exploding phones to the picture? I am in that 40%,I will never buy another Samsung phone ever again. In fact I wont buy any Samsung product again. My father in law bought a Samsung washing machine about a year back, not a cheap one either and it broke after a few months.

No thank you!

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It's starting to be serious with the phones are blasting. I guess they have to seriously need to do the quality control. And samsung usually is good with that. But the amount of cost they are applying. i don;t think it's anymore worth to have samsung phones anymore. They are expensive. And they seem to be exploding. And people have to force govt to put some level of restriction on bad quality phones from being imported.

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My phone is a Samsung J7 and I got scared upon reading the exploding battery. But later on I got sober and thought about it because I had been using my Samsung for more than a year already so there is no problem. But I admit that the exploding battery is not fake news and that Samsung had already made a recall of those phone models to give the consumers peace of mind and safety as well.

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