
Why don't my buyers ratings show on my services?

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Why don't my buyers ratings show on my services?

Does or has anyone else ever noticed this? Sometimes you leave your rating for the buyer, (after they have left their rating/feedback for the service). But when you check the service itself, your rating that you left them for that doesn't show.

This has been happening to me several times now for different random services. The strange thing is, sometimes the rating will show, on the service, other times it doesn't.

Why is this?

Why aren't the ratings I'm leaving buyers showing?

Is it a bug?


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I have never noticed this unless i leave a negative feedback. Sometimes when i have a bad experience i will leave a thumbs down and a reason why i don't see it show up on that persons profile. Service likes are sometimes blocked if the client does not say anything. I thought they fixed that and made it so only the thumbs up shows without a comment but i could be wrong. Have you tried to contact support and see what they say about this situation? I hope that this has not been going on for a long time because i may be owed hundreds of ratings then! Who knows i just hope this gets resolved for you. Thanks for sharing!

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I cannot say that I noticed it, and after going over some of the latest orders I rated there wasn't any problem. However I will try to remember to keep an eye on this and if it happens to me I will let you know. Maybe it is just a bug.

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I did! A couple of times actually! I think it gets updated a little bit slower as sometimes I check my response feedback and it wasn't posted right away, after some time I checked it again and it was published, maybe SC has a sort of lag.

But it may also be a bug, because it doesn't always show up, even if you wait a while. The fix I've found is you need to go to the order page and reply to the buyer (plus feedback) from there, not from the order page.

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Hi idealmike thanks for your question. I never face such situation before. As per as I see one of my buyer leave me feedback for completing order and by email redirection, when I go to the service and leave him feedback too and once I access the service in feedback area, I did not see my feedback visible on service which I leave already. It may little bug. But, again when I leave feedback by replay feedback option, It was visible.

And another reason feedback may not be visible, like if buyer or seller rate you within 1 month but you did not reply as feedback in this period but after passing this period, you cannot leave feedback to buyer or seller, and it will show only single feedback from one side.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Interesting, I've never checked it and never noticed a problem but now I will keep my eyes open and see if I can pick up a problem too.

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