
Mind tricks and fun things to do......

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Mind tricks and fun things to do......

Ok guys today i'll tell you a cool and fun trick......
keep your thumb on your forehead and bend down so your small finger touches your belly,try to turn 10 rounds......


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You're just trying to trick me into exercising Mind tricks and fun things to do......

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lol....... did you try it mate???
Try this now... ask these questions, in this order: “What’s 1+1? What’s 2+2? What’s 4+4? What’s 8+8?” Then ask them to name a vegetable. They almost always say carrot.......

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We have a similar thing in Sweden.

We tell our friend to say "vit" several times in a row, and then we ask "vad dricker kon?" and they say "mjölk".
In English that would be, say "white" several times in a row. And then ask "What does the cow drink?" and they usually answer "milk". Mind tricks and fun things to do......

Thanks for sharing!

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We have something similar here, we tell to our friends to say 1 lemon 2 lemons 3 lemons many times in a row, then you ask them to say just the word lemon again, and they say melon (which is watermelon)... try to do it when they're drunk and they will make a very messy funny fruit store hahaha.

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is it true achi007? i'll try with my friends.

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you mean the carrot thing?? it happens most of the time , i tried it worked for most.....

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Whispering something to someone almost guarantees that they’ll whisper back.

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Thanks bro...
If you want to get get rid of an object you are carrying and want your friend to carry it just keep talking to him while handing him the bottle....
most of the time he will just take the bottle automatically.....

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Sounds a bit like Derren brown lol Must you may not know who he his as hes in the UK where I live . YouTube Derren Brown he does cool tricks . No I not done spelling mistake lol Not Daren he's derren brown. Trick or the mind Uk series he use to do and trick or treat great guy who knows all the psychology mind blowing tricks.

I use to know a few tricks like that I know one cool trick but doesn't work on everyone .

Close your eyes and imagine in your mind a fruit. Try a fruit which is juicy and the sour the better lol. Now for this example we use a orange for this. So close your eyes deep breathe through the nose and hold for count of 4 and then exhale out the mouth and do this few times then imagine in your mind a orange. See your self pealing the orange what does the texture feel like. Now imagine while your pealing the orange what sense do you get do you smell it and see it clear.
Keep imagining it seeing it stronger and stronger, feel it see it in your mind now imagine eating a piece of this juicy juicy orange feel the texture . keep trying this :

After a while if done correctly you should taste it as tho you are realllly eating it .

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I haven't tried this truck because I'm scared of mind tricks.

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Tell someone to look into your eyes and say they can't stop looking. Ask them what they hd for lunch three days ago nd chances are they won't be able to answer. It is very hard to remember something without moving your eyes.
If you want to mess with someone who is counting something, say a set of numbers in order instead of saying random numbers. Their brain will catch on to the pattern.
I love optical illusions a lot too.

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hi Niya, I just tried this one while focusing my eyes on the screen I tried to remember how my morning was and it worked without moving my eyes, or does it happen only with tic tack questions?
however I like these mind challenging games, my favorite is to tell my friends to say '' Paul appel pierre " quickly lol they end up saying really funny things you can try that too.

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It probably did not work because you were consciously aware about it and in the back of your mind you knew you weren't supposed to move your eyes. Maybe it would work if you ask another person very randomly without giving them a heads up that they can't move their eyes.
And I tried the 'paul appel pierre' myself and burst out laughing haha Mind tricks and fun things to do......

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Its like when you say to someone Do not think of an elephant lol But they always think of an elephant. There are many mind tricks but reading minds is the best one. Check what I found of UK britains got talent.

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Hi, achi007, what kind of game is this? It cannot be just an exercise and I don't understand what is with that 10 rows. I haven't tried it because is nothing interesting or fun in it! Sorry!

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Try this for a game; Tongue twisters - Father Fredrick Francis fried five fresh fish for five family friends from France. Peter Piper picked a pack of prickled pepper.

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I agree with some of the comments that I wish you would illustrate this on video, the way you have explained it it does not seem like it can be done. Do you do this while standing up straight? which is impossible, or unless you have a crazy long, small finger otherwise it will never touch your stomach, the nearest it will touch is your chin. Are you allowed to bend?which in this case is more doable. This will probably a better game with kids.

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Fun things to do are so many. You can watch funny videos. I have just done it yesterday. I would like to share it here. I have this veeu app in my smartphone. You can also download this app on yours.

There is a video there about funny animals. One is a kangaroo kicking the butt of the man and he fell into the swimming pool. The other is a horse who keeps on chasing the man. Wherever the man goes, the horse also goes at him. No matter how he tries to keep away the horse.

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I agree that it is more fun to watch funny videos instead of doing silly things like that with your thumb and belly. Yesterday I was able to get inside a site about magicians. There was the comedy magic act of 2 Japanese. The act involves simple magic but they did it in a funny way. It was a hilarious video that I had to watch it again. Maybe Youtube is gaining traction with its Alexa ranking because of those funny videos that are worthy to see when you have nothing to do.

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