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All instagram & facebook related services are stopped

But the seo should understand that the major income is come from this services & many customer also messaging to provide that service

can i know why this services are stopped completly

I also buy this services from hear

I Think now seo market will go down


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Yeah, a big social network is breathing down the neck of SeoClerks it seems. The only way to remedy this would be to remove the services completely. It sucks for the seller, but everyone should understand that it's the only thing that SeoClerks can do.
I Think now seo market will go down

No it won't. It's one type of service among thousands lol. That would be like if I took 1 brick out of the top of a wall and said it was going to crumble, which wouldn't happen.

SEO and Online Marketing is always evolving and I'm sure that everyone who sells social media services will be able to find an outlet to make some money. Just know that other platforms/marketplaces won't allow the same thing, so you'll have to think outside the box a bit.

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I am a Social Media Services Provider. Is there any other marketplace to sell Social Media Services. Please give me the Link. It will help a lot. Thank you.

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Unfortunately the provision of these kinds of services has always been somewhat doubtful. It was something to be expected. Diversification is important in the freelance market, as in such a case you can still offer some other kind of service. Good luck.

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SEOclerks is really just the first marketplace to fall into Fb's wrath! If they're leading this social services removal campaign other marketplaces will follow or get hit so bad with legal actions they will never recover!

Everyone is going nuts about this, FB is trying for years now to find effective methods of stopping bots and fake likes, shares, etc. Apparently, they were unable to do so, thus the crackdown that's happening at the moment on SC began.

Don't be mad at SC, it always made money from us so let's adapt to the new changes!

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It looks like SEOclerk has been affected bythe sellers of the fake likes and followers? I have seen another discussion
that this site has banned the sale of any service pertaining to social media
particularly Facebook. I have also seen one discussion about this site not in
good terms with Facebook. Now that this site has banned those services for the
fake number of likes and followers then maybe the smoke of confusion will clear

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it is completely stupid to try to stop the instagram and facebook service - Facebook become an impossible platform to build an audience as facebook wants to be paid and slowly instagram is taking the same direction
we need those services back , period ! stop controlling all , enough

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We need the services back . Many should post and ask

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