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How much does Facebook, Linkedin, scoop.it , help Search Engine Optimazation ?
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I would say that 99.9% of the links you're posting on social media will be nofollow, if they were dofollow then you'd see a lot more internet marketers hammering away at systems to abuse LinkedIn, Facebook, Scoop.it, etc. in order to obtain those coveted top rankings for their desired keywords and niche.
Another thing you have to focus on is being active within your social community and pages. You'll need to post frequently which means around 2 or 3 times a week. You don't need to post 10 times a day, but you can if you want. Be sure to post at the right times though. If you're just posting a few times a week you need to do it when there are people on who will be reading what you wrote. Don't post at 1am in the morning because there won't be as many people seeing your post in their news feed compared to if you posted at Noon. Another thing is that you need to be quick to respond if anyone sends you a message or comments on you post. Engaging random people and answering their questions quick will always look good on you and increase your sales. And having an active page always helps
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