
Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days!

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Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days!

I have a silly sense of humor at times and very often a song comes into my mind when things happen. Strangely enough this same thing happened on another website with sales and I also sang this song in my head then.... The animals marched in two by two hoooraaah!

Yes it is happening in twos.

So in the last two days I added two services. I got two sales, one on each service. I got my second affiliate sale. I got two recommendations and two thumbs up!

YAY! This is fun!


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Wow! - That's really amazing Lynne!
It sure sounds like you've started to provide services at the exact right time.. And it sounds like it's "Lynne-Time" right now. I'm glad for you Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days!

Hopefully, this will continue further on too, but even if it doesn't, don't worry. - Everyone will have their ups & downs.

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Thanks Andre. I have just read your post now and I guess you are still having a down. I am really so sorry to hear that, I have missed seeing you here in the community discussions so I am pleased you have made your way back.

I totally understand that things get tough, but you must try and get yourself right Andre, you know back on the horse? I totally support and understand. I battle with bipolar disorder so I have my downs too

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Oh my that is quite an achievement Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days! I am very happy for you Lynne. It seems that if it is going to be moving in doubles, you are going to become really successful in no time. I wish you luck, and many more buyers. At this rate I suggest you add two more services ;) at the very least.

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Oh I have a good number of services that I want to create, I just need the time to get to them LOL I want to add one or two to WordClerks too.

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I have one recommendation for everyone, If you sell on seoclerks ask your clients to give you a recommendation in your delivery message. If you pulled off a great service and you know for sure your client is going to be happy 6-10 times they will leave you a 30 word recommendation. Be sure to mention that they have to check the box on the lower left as shown below:

Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days!

I promise you if you do this more clients will leave you a recommendation, and try and give them a little incentive to come back again. I may give my clients a few free services, but i know it guarantees customer retention more than 60% of the time. I have so many little tips and tricks lol i have been on seoclerks a short three years but i already have learned so much. Congrats Lynne i am glad your success continues and your overall customer service and integrity is increasing.

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Thanks Jkeyz2.

Yes I think I may just take this advice and add a screenshot like you say. I have had a three orders completed now and both my customers were very happy but I had to ask them very nicely after they completed the order if they would mind giving me a recommendation... I did say it too when I delivered the order and they both gave me a thumbs up and a lovely positive message... but it was not a recommendation.

Thanks, I will be using this. Can I use your picture with that arrow please? I am quite dumb when it comes to adding even arrows. It can be an ordeal for silly old me.

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Added all of your services to Favorites Lynne! Good job, keep posting new services and bumping them! Also, you may want to publish services that cost a little more so you can get some decent revenue coming your way, be creative!

Keep up your enthusiasm for SEOclerks and I'm sure in a couple of months you'll end up quite a successful buyer! Oh and btw, you are level 3 now, guess you are a level 3 buyer, that will change when you will start to gain more sales and you will eventually switch to a level 3 seller.

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I didn't work this weekend at all because my parents came to stay and I start work today to see that you have bookmarked all my services, thank you!

Yes I've been a Level 3 buyer for a long time. I will need to sell a lot to catch up to the amount I have purchased here. When I have money available I can be quite an enthusiastic buyer Two new services, first two sales and two recommendations in two days!

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Good for you. I have two services on SEO Clerks. While I am yet to make the first sale for one of my services, I have sold my second services many times. I am considering to add a few more services in order to increase sales, however, I have been dilly-dallying for a long time. having more services means you are likely to make more sales as you can cater your different services to different buyers.

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