
10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

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10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

So in my 10 weird and whacky ways to make money series so far, we've had getting paid to drink beer, becoming a human test subject (lab rat), and professional food taster as well as pet food taster! Which actually, as they turn out, are all very doable and legitimate ways to make money. But if you thought they were weird, then what about...

4. Selling Your Hair for Money?

Do you have very long hair? Then if you're looking to raise some money quickly, and you do have nice long healthy locks of hair. Then you can actually sell your hair for cash! In fact, hair selling for cash is a big business industry and is a booming and very profitable market to be in. Whether you're selling your own hair, or someone else's! But before you go grabbing a pair of scissors from the drawer and go and mutilate someone's long and healthy locks. You must have their permission first of course! But what you should do is keep it growing and attached to your/their head and then find out how much you can get for your (or someone else's hair) first before you snip it and crop it off!

To find out how much your hair is worth and how much you could get for it.

Visit and and use their Hair Calculator Tool. Put the length of the hair, it's thickness, the color and if it's virgin hair or not and click the Calculate My Hair Value button. I selected 25" of hair at 3" thick, blonde, virgin hair and it said my estimated value is $643 US Dollars. The same price estimate for black hair was only valued at £418 US Dollars. So I guess it means that blonde hair is worth more than dark hair because it's as common as black hair is.

Anyway, these are just estimates, in order to actually sell your hair, you'll need to register on to create an Ad using their Create Hair Ad Listing form which other people can then make an offer on and you can choose to accept it or wait for more offers. They don't offer a way for the buyer of your hair to pay you through the site you'll have to use PayPal for payments.

I've never sold my hair before. I've always cut it short and hardly ever let it grow long. So this isn't really for me. But I do know a few people I could offer cash for their hair. I'd probably just ask them first if they could ever sell their hair and see what they say. Perhaps offer them $100 bux for it see if they go for it, then if they do, list it for sell on for $600 and make a quick $500! 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

You could do this on a small scale like that. Every now and then if you needed it. If you had the opportunity. It does work. Hair does sell. It's selling like hairy hot cakes right now too. Wigmakers, dressmakers, TV and movie studios need them and many more people are buying hair now than before.

So you could go mainstream and fulltime with this as well and start your own hair selling business. You could scout for people or even advertise it yourself. Get people to come to you or send you the details of their hair and you give them a quote and if they say yes obviously get them to send it to you or pop it round for cash!

You could then sell it on for a profit!

I believe that is what you would call a....
10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

What about you? Would you sell your hair for money? 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

Do you know anyone that would sell you their hair for money? o10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

Do you know of any other sites or ways to sell your hair?

Or is this just to hairy for you? 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair


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Hair For Money ??
I ever heard this weird way before, but the hair must be long, and they need it to make fake hair for doll
but for the sites that selling online , i dont know ?
is it has online site such it?
but i thought it is to sacrfice for girls who are need long hair for her beauty..
do you agree with my opinion ?
anyone tried this before ? how do you feel about it?

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This idea really make me go to laugh out loud 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair but it's also realistic and real offer. Well since i am same as you and cutting my hair always short and also have a lot of gray hair, there is nothing to sell LOL 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair but idea of flipping someone else hair is not bad at all 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair Since it's not much known publicly worldwide that could be good idea to buy cheap and make profit on someone's hair... Ohhh are we greedy??? LOL... Can't stop laughing Mike

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OMG Mike I am killing myself laughing here. My hair about 15 years ago would have fetched a stunning price I'm sure. I am a natural blonde and my hair was in really good condition and very long.

Anyway I don't want to sell my own hair, that's for sure. I like my hair long and it takes a long time to grow it and also a bit of effort to keep it looking nice.

However you have just got me thinking how I can make money selling other people's hair, that could be a really cool way to make money.

I love the virgin/ non virgin hair descriptions... LOL

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This is really weird for me, and I have not heard about it before. I know we can donate our long hair to the people who are suffering from cancer, and I am planning to do that soon too. I will definitely check out the site you mentioned, though I don't think I can sell my hair. It's really a weird idea to me. 10 Weird and Whacky Ways to Make Money: Sell Your Hair

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I don't think I would be comfortable selling my hair for any reason. I mean I just can't feel cool to discover that my hair is in the market and that people can actually buy and make use of it.

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In the olden days, I have heard of a neighbor that sold her hair to the salon. That was the era when wigs were made of real hair and beauty parlors were willing to buy hair at a premium. Most women in those days wear their hair long so that’s obviously a way of earning money when they have it cut by the salon. And the consolation is that the hair will definitely grow long again although it will take years before it can grow to 1 foot in length.

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Well yeah I mean I could grow my hair long and sell it for $500 after a year right? But why stop there, I could create a hair farm and offer people some money to grow their hair long and get it harvested lol.

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