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Hello There.
I am a level 3 Seller. I have different kind of Services. Recently I faced new kind of problem some of my old services has gone diapered. I ask them they are no longer support this type of services.
I want to know what happen to them. Why they make such kind of decision? There are many marketplace support Social media services, But now SEOClerks Band Social Media services.
I know SEOClerk is the best platform but if they continuously restrict our services then what should I do?
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So be sure that you read the Listing Guidelines and try to follow them as they are written. Even if your services were available a while ago, probably they don't meet the actual criteria and that's why they got removed. You should check with the Support and ask if your services are in violation with the Terms of Services. File a Ticket and a support member will answer you. [quote]SEOClerks reserves the right to delete, alter, edit, reject or remove any Listings that do not comply with these Guidelines or meet SEOClerks’ standards. SEOClerks may remove any offending Listings solely based on its own reasonable judgment. [/quote] So be sure that you read the [url=https://www.seoclerks.com/listing_guidelines]Listing Guidelines[/url] and try to follow them as they are written. Even if your services were available a while ago, probably they don't meet the actual criteria and that's why they got removed.
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