
Which other social networks do you recommend?

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Which other social networks do you recommend?

I am just wondering what other social networks everyone recommends for online marketing.

I have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Plus. Reddit and Youtube already.

So firstly do you think it would be wise to add more social networks or is that enough?

if you think adding more social networks would be beneficial then which social networks would you recommend?

I have been hearing so much about Instagram lately but I am hesitant to start with it, especially since I have to use my phone LOL. Then another name that keeps coming up is Tumblr.

For some reason I am not so keen on joining those networks..

Mike mentioned Slideshare in a previous discussion and that sounds like it might be a lot more beneficial for me...
What other social networks do you use and how do they benefit you?


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Tumblr may actually do wonders for you in your niche. Tumblr is full of women, don't know now for sure how many of them are mommies but most of the real users that don't post porn and actually publish real content on Tumblr are women.

Otherwise, you clearly already use most social networks, at least the popular ones. I would also add LinkedIn, but I doubt it will go too well with your niche, but with the right research is worth the shot.

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I've got LinkedIn Which other social networks do you recommend? And I get a bit of traffic from my LinkedIn page Which other social networks do you recommend?

I've just started with Instagram so will get a handle on that before I add another one.

That is so funny what you say about Tumblr.. sounds like there is a lot of porn then?

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Yes, tons of porn there, on all "niches". They even have some kind of automated scripts posting gifs, and photos that will actually promote their own websites. Porn can be a hugely profitable niche if done correctly, I always wanted to get a piece of that action but never actually managed.

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Yes it is funny you should say that, I have no interest in porn really but I do have an interest in making money and I have always wondered if there is a way I could somehow cash in on the action. Possibly more something that would interest my husband hahahaa. I can just imagine his face if I tell him I have a business idea.... LOL

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I think you're already on lots of quite important social media platforms that I would have recommended for you and it is interesting that you could be able to register on all these sites as well. My advice for you is that you should try as much as you can to keep maintaining these sites so as to have the chance to become popular on many of them. I must say that it won't be easy but always logging to all the sites on a daily basis can help you to achieve that.

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I think Facebook will be more than enough if you know how to use it properly whether for personal or business purposes. But if you intent to have a full blown promotion of business, I would recommend that you have an active account in Twitter and some other social networks that you have mentioned. You can use your accounts to spread the news about your business and to update them from time to time of developments like promo or discounts.

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